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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Following the Crawford TX Protest

THE CROSSES TO HONOR the Iraq dead begin here
and stretch half a mile.
— Iconoclast Photo By Deborah Mathews

Gold Star Peace Mother Cindy Sheehan is posting every day on Daily Kos, while Truthout has lots of videos and posts from Cindy and others on the ground at Crawford. They also have a roundup of political cartoons about the protest and Bush's reaction. Good coverage continues at the Lone Star Iconolclast. Here's a post and a letter from a Ft. Hood soldier who visited the peace encampment to present it to Cindy.

Cindy with cross for her son,
U.S. Army Specialist Casey Austin Sheehan,
among dozens of other crosses representing Iraq war deaths

Related links:

Gold Star Families for Peace

Crawford Peace House (Crawford Effort Donations Welcome)

Military Families Speak Out

Veterans for Peace

Code Pink

Viet Nam Veterans Against the War

Iraq Veterans Against the War

August 13, 2005 at 01:35 PM in Iraq War | Permalink


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