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Friday, August 05, 2005

Dickinson Campaign Hosts BBQ This Saturday

Dickinsonlogo_1From the Marianne Dickinson for Albuquerque City Council campaign (District 7):

Come out to our BBQ this Saturday and celebrate…

Marianne and all her great volunteers made the signature quota and are officially on the ballot. We’ve won half the battle and want you all to come celebrate with us this Saturday at 2pm at Altura Park: https://tinyurl.com/88ct9 .

Thank you for your continued support!

Contact: Keegan King @ 385-8760 if you would like to bring a dish or to let us know if you’ll make it. keegan@mariannedickinson.com

Visit Marianne's website: https://www.mariannedickinson.com/

August 5, 2005 at 04:30 PM | Permalink


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