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Monday, August 15, 2005

Dean Rocks on Face the Nation

By all accounts (except the RNC's), DNC Chair Howard Dean did a terrific job on Face the Nation yesterday. See for yourself:

Transcript       Video excerpt

Some quotes:

About Iraq--

First thing we need to do have a plan for leaving. And the second thing we need to do is to make sure that to the best of our ability we can influence the writing of the constitution. It looks like today, and this could change--as of today, it looks like women will be worse off in Iraq than they were when Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq. That's a pretty sad commentary on this administration's ability to do anything right.

Asked if the President should meet with Cindy Sheehan--

Sure, he should. I mean, he's--he asked her to give up her son. She did give up her son. There's been many American women and men who've lost their lives and we're trying to understand for what. Today--today, also in your paper, there was an article that said that this--the troops still don't have the proper equipment. What are these people doing that are running the armed forces? I'll tell you what they're doing. People like the president, and people like Secretary Rumsfeld, are ignoring the career experts like General Shinseki who told them before we went in that we needed adequate equipment and adequate troops. They thrust that aside. These people do not know what they're doing that are running this country. They have no conception of what it's like to fight a war because none of them ever have. And that's the great--that would have been the great positive that John Kerry would have brought to the presidency.

On what the Democrats' plan is for getting out of Iraq--

Well, Bob, the president of the United States is commander in chief. It is up to him to come up for a plan. You can't expect a congressman and senators who don't have the same access to intelligence as the president does to come up with a plan to withdraw our troops from Iraq. We look--the president got us into Iraq 'cause people were willing to trust the president, even some Democrats were willing to trust the president in assuming he knew what he was doing.

On Intelligent Design--

The president has been anti-science for a long time.  This is the most anti-scientific regime I've seen in my lifetime.

August 15, 2005 at 05:53 PM in Democratic Party, Media | Permalink


How do I put up a Dean Speaks for me link on my side bar?

Posted by: joaquin | Aug 15, 2005 10:02:57 PM

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