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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bush Crashes

Bush's approval ratings are crashing pretty much everywhere. Check out the graph for New Mexico from polling firm SurveyUSA. As of 8/15/05, only 41% of adults in our state approve of Bush, while 56% disapprove. A state by state breakdown shows Bush at or above 50 percent in only nine states and at 40 or below in 19 states.

In a tone deaf exhibition of his 'What, me worry?' attitude, the President continues his five-week vacation at his faux-ranch. While Gold Star Mother for Peace Cindy Sheehan and supporters endure at Camp Casey this weekend, he'll be focusing on Mountain Biking for Millionaires with a fun ride with Lance Armstrong.

Oh, and they arrested the lout who drove his truck over the crosses and flags erected in Crawford to commemorate the deaths of our soldiers and Marines in Iraq. And when local authorities started spreading the word they'd be closing down the road and booting the Camp, a rancher with a nearby spread offered up his land for campers. Now Camp Casey will have a much safer spot, even closer to BushLand than they were before. Local rancher to the rescue!

August 17, 2005 at 11:32 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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