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    Wednesday, August 03, 2005

    Hackett Says Batter Up for DFA

    Batter up for Hackett -- and Democracy in Ohio

    Wed Aug 3rd, 2005 at 08:11:33 PDT

    Paul Hackett sent this out to the DFA email list earlier today. Paul ran a great campaign. And on election night next year -- when we take back Congress -- it will be noted that the tide turned on August 2, 2005 in the OH-2.

    Thank you Paul.

    And a huge "THANK YOU" to everyone who believe.

    I Believe in DFA!Yesterday, one of the reddest regions in America turned a whole lot bluer.

    Tom Hughes
    Executive Director, DFA


    I ran in a special election to serve in the United States House of Representatives for the 2nd District of Ohio. I am a Marine recently returned from Iraq, a husband, a father, an attorney, and a Democrat.

    When I won the Democratic primary for this contest, few people believed we had a shot at victory. But DFA put its faith in me—and went to work organizing on the ground and online. Your support helped build the greatest Democratic get-out-the-vote effort this district has ever known.

    While we didn't pull out a victory yesterday—we came incredibly close. We got 48 percent of the vote. And in those results rests hope for the future.

    It had been 15 years since a Democratic candidate for Congress received more than 30 percent of the vote in Ohio's 2nd District and 40 years since a Democrat held the seat. Your support helped me improve Democratic performance by nearly 20 percent. This is a victory for democracy. And if we can do this in Ohio—we can do it anywhere.

    Join me, and help DFA elect Democrats in Ohio and across the country:


    We have the power to win back Congress. Yesterday proved it. And DFA is on the front lines of the fight—determined, hopeful and fearless.

    I believe we can change this country. I believe we can win in every state—and I know that you do too. Please join me today:


    Thank you,
    Paul Hackett

    (As posted on Daily Kos.)

    August 3, 2005 at 12:25 PM in DFA | Permalink


    This is what Dems need to do everywhere, in every race. I'll swing the bat for DFA any time. They were the first ones behind Hackett and started it all off.

    Posted by: El Norte | Aug 3, 2005 5:05:51 PM

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