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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Around the Blogs

I hope many of you regularly travel down the left-hand sidebar on this page and click on our list of New Mexico's blogs that mostly feature politics. It's a community that's rapidly expanding and features a wide variety of excellent discussion.

For instance, today at Duke City Fix there's a discussion about mayoral candidate Judith Espinosa's win on obtaining an injunction to stop the Bernalillo County Clerk from disqualifying her ballot petition signatures. New Mexico Matters discusses the search for Democrats with integrity and responds to a recent post on Joe Monahan, while Soy Blue features posts over the last few days on everything from Hillary Clinton to the Albuquerque mayoral race to whether or not the NM Democratic Party website should include a blog. Truth, Rants and Ramblings dissects the Cheney Index, while m-pyre takes on the mainstream media.

August 4, 2005 at 02:02 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


I love them all. Lots of insightful and caring people out there.


Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | Aug 4, 2005 3:00:56 PM

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