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Thursday, August 25, 2005


From the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

Hey, you!  Get of yer bum.  That’s right, you heard me. 

Not doing anything in the next couple hours, or working downtown?  How about showing your support for the Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign, and for all the full time workers who live below poverty?

It’s just not right that someone would work one, two, maybe even three jobs and fall below poverty, while Congress – Congresswoman Heather Wilson included – just voted themselves several thousand dollars in raises.  Unbelievable, but true – it’s shameful.

As the campaign to pass a $7.50 Albuquerque minimum wage ordinance heats up for October 4, elected officials from the Albuquerque area are speaking out in support of the proposal.

TODAY, you can join City Councilor Martin Heinrich, City Councilor and Mayoral Candidate Eric Griego, Attorney General Patricia Madrid, and former Governor David Cargo for a press conference.

Thursday, August 25
11:00 AM
1 Civic Plaza
Downtown Albuquerque

To learn more about The Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign visit https://www.abqlivingwage.org/ or call 505-242-7411.

The Democratic Party of New Mexico believes in rewarding work and that no one who works full-time should get a wage so low that they live in poverty.  You are encouraged to support the Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign.

“The Albuquerque Living Wage Ordinance provides an economic development strategy for Albuquerque that works, paying workers a wage that supports a family, putting new wealth into our local economy, and leveling the playing field for the small businesses that employ a majority of the Albuquerque workforce.”

To read Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman John Wertheim’s oped in support of the Living Wage, go to:

Spread the word about the Albuquerque Living Wage.   You can help the Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign in a number of ways.  Write letters-to-the editor, sign up to volunteer for the campaign, or even host a house party. 

Did you know “Raising the Minimum Wage in Albuquerque to $7.50 will lift 40,000 people out of poverty and prove that in Albuquerque, we reward work over welfare by valuing a hard day’s work.”

Contact the Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign The Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign is hosted at the offices of ACORN. For more information, contact us there: nmacorn@acorn.org, 505-242-7411, 411 Bellamah NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Albuquerque Living Wage Talking Points:

Albuquerque Living Wage Talking Points:

Raising the Minimum Wage in Albuquerque to $7.50 will lift 40,000 people out of poverty and prove that in Albuquerque, we reward work over welfare by valueing a hard day’s work.

The Living Wage Initiative Shows That in Albuquerque, we value a hard day’s work:
The minimum wage is our way of saying that we value work, especially the tough jobs performed by the hotel maids, childcare workers, and nursing home employees.  We should make sure the workers who are the back bone of our economy receive fair paychecks that keep up with inflation and put them and their families above the poverty line.

Raising the Minimum Wage is an Effective Way to Reward Work and Keep People off of Welfare: When the minimum wage is as low as it is now, some full-time minimum wage workers in Albuquerque make less money than they would on welfare.  Raising the minimum wage sends the right message to people – we value hard work.  And when people choose work over welfare, they become productive members of society and Albuquerque taxpayers save money on social services.  After Santa Fe implemented its Living Wage Ordinance, average monthly unemployment dropped by .6 percent.  Santa Fe’s caseload of families receiving welfare cash assistance dropped by an average of 4.9 percent while at the State level, this figure rose by just over 4.5 percent.

No One Who Works Full-Time Should Get a Wage so Low That They Live in Poverty: Raising the minimum wage would lift 40,000 families out of poverty.  A full-time worker making the minimum wage makes just $206 a week, much less than it takes to make ends meet for food, rent, health care, childcare, transportation, and other necessary expenses.

The Living Wage Initiative will be an Economic Boon to Albuquerque: In states that boosted their minimum wage, employment has grown since 1997 by 50 percent more than it has in states still at the federal level. We can expect this effect in Albuquerque as local businesses reap the benefits of 40,000 workers having up to $4,700 more a year to spend.

Paid for by the New Mexico Democratic Party, 1301 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. www.nmdemocrats.org

August 25, 2005 at 09:26 AM | Permalink


Why are we rewarding for being able to hold a job? We should be rewarded for the value of skill, through enablement not entitlement. Just because someone works full time doesn't necessarily mean that they have skills that warrant a salary of 7.50/hour. Society must become accountable and responsible for their own future not waiting for a handout through my tax dollars. People should be rewarded for learning a skill or a trade and being rewarded through a higher salary because they have increased their value in the workforce.

Where are the stats for the people that are making a wage below $7.50? Generally, they lack basic communications skills and a basic education. People that have invested in themselves and their future are not making less than $7.50/hr because they have increased their value through enablement--NOT ENTITLEMENT!!

Entitlement is why we are watching AMERICAN companies crumble (GM< FORD, DELPHI). These employers based titles and positions on tenure and entitlement not through enablement.

This will have a large impact on small businesses in NM as they will need to pay a higher wage for less skill which will drive unemployment up because employers will not be able to have 2 unskilled workers but only 1.

Just a thought!

Posted by: Alisa | Feb 22, 2006 9:32:32 PM

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