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Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sunday Birthday Blogging

OK, so I usually do bird blogging on Sundays, but today I wanted to highlight a recent milestone of one of our most active, passionate and wise members -- the 90th birthday on June 26th of Jeanne Carritt. Here's Jeanne contemplating her candles at a small gathering last weekend:


And blowing them out:


Note the Dean Speaks for Me and No W buttons. (Click photos for larger versions.)

Jeanne has logged literally thousands of phone calls to potential voters, provided many hours of practical advice to activists (including me) and generally kept things stirred up in a most positive way via DFA-DFNM Meetups and beyond. She slogged many hours of volunteer work during the Dean campaign for president, the Miles Nelson primary run for Congress and for America Coming Together during Kerry's run.

A definite Deaniac and one of the founding members of DFA-Democracy for New Mexico, as well as our Meetup, she remains active, committed, politically saavy and willing and able to speak truth to power whenever she deems fit! Need to gather signatures for a petition or plot strategies to raise money or achieve goals? Jeanne's there. Want advice on a good political book or a must-read article? Jeanne has suggestions. In need of the kind of long-term perspective 90 years on the planet can provide? Jeanne's the one to consult.

Perhaps most importantly, she's a joy to work with, very funny and just an all-around terrific spirit and presence on the scene. We love her!

I hope you'll join me in wishing Jeanne a Happy 90th Birthday and Many Happy Returns!

July 3, 2005 at 09:54 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


Happy Birthday, Jeanne!

Posted by: Nancy | Jul 3, 2005 11:53:01 AM

Barb: You are naughty-I scarcely recognize myself-but neverthe less, many thanks. And Mary Ellen, the picture is great too.


Posted by: Jeanne Carritt | Jul 3, 2005 3:48:12 PM

Happy Birthday Jeanne! Many, many happy returns!

Posted by: KathyF | Jul 4, 2005 3:25:41 PM

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