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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sunday Bird Blogging on the Conejos

Bosco the peach-faced lovebird really enjoyed our four-day camping trip to the Conejos River in Southern Colorado over last weekend. So did we! Bosco travels in vehicles in a small cage specially designed for that purpose, but when he gets to his destination, he returns to his regular large cage:


He came out often to perch on our hands, shoulders and even our heads, but mostly he hung out in his cage greeting the multitude of hummingbirds that were attracted by his bright colors, and driving out flies and bees with zeal:


By the way, the parakeets held down the fort at home while Bosco was out camping with us and did just fine. And remember the runt of the baby parakeets that hatched earlier this year? The one we didn't think would make it and who was very slow in its development? Take a look at Peanut now, snoozing on the swing with his albino mama, Whitey:


Peanut is still the smallest of the three surviving babies, but is the most assertive of the bunch and generally bosses the other two around. And he or she is the closest to mom as well. We won't know if it's a mama's girl or boy until some months down the line when the baby birds' ceres, at the top of their beaks, turn blue or pinkish brown.

(Click on photos for larger images.)

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July 17, 2005 at 10:31 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


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