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Monday, July 18, 2005

REMINDER: Living Wage Press Conference This Morning


From Matthew Henderson of ACORN re Living Wage Petition:

We topped 33,000 signatures!

Don't forget to celebrate with us on Monday, July 18, at 11:00 AM for our press conference in front of City Hall on Civic Plaza!

To receive updates on ACORN's work every two weeks go to https://acorn.org/getinvolved.

Editor's Note: Just under 14,000 valid signatures of voters registered in Albuquerque are needed to get the living wage proposal on the October 4th ballot. Unfortunately, there is talk of the NM Restaurant Association seeking to hire lawyer-lobbyist Mickey Barnett to challenge the petitions and create legal problems to keep this issue off the ballot. About 70 percent of the public supports a living wage according to polling. Click for a copy of the proposed ordinance, which would raise the minimum wage to $7.50 an hour ($4.50 an hour for restaurant employees who receive tips) and includes a provision for future indexing.

Linda Joyce with Senator John Edwards at the recent Living Wage Rally on Civic Plaza:


Robb Chavez shaking Senator Edwards' hand at the Rally:


(Photos courtesy Linda Joyce. Click on images for larger versions.)

July 18, 2005 at 08:55 AM in Events | Permalink


Oh my god, John Edwards looks younger than ever. I want what he's drinking!

Posted by: KathyF | Jul 25, 2005 4:28:41 AM

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