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    Wednesday, July 27, 2005

    Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Taos Activist Lois Abraham's Project for Women's Health in East Timor

    From 1000 Peace Women:
    Millions of women are engaged daily in working for a better future. Without regard for their own safety, they are active on behalf of the community's well-being. They call for reconciliation, demand justice, and rebuild what has been destroyed. They transform conflicts. They fight against poverty   and for human rights. They create alternative sources of income, and they strive   for access to land and clean water. They educate and heal. They reintegrate HIV patients. They find solutions to a great many forms of violence and they condemn the genital mutilation of girls.

    The project 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005 defined as its objective the nominating of 1000 women to represent collectively the millions above-mentioned. The life stories, the visions, methods, strategies and networks of these 1000 women will be publicized. With this recognition they should receive both encouragement and gratitude for their commitment.

    After almost three years' work, we are happy to introduce these 1000 women to you . Their short biographies were compiled by local journalists and authors, as well as by academics and by members of organizations. These biographies give us insight into the life and work of each of the 1000 women. They also reflect the cultural differences involved in evaluating personal data. To satisfy any curiosity for further information, on the 1000 women will appear in autumn 2005.

    The 10 peace women in Uzbekistan are seriously endangered if their names are made public at the moment. Therefore we have decided not to disclose their names at this stage of the project.

    In the coming months this website will be continually updated and enlarged, until all 1000 women have been portrayed in as much detail as possible.

    Two of the 1000 Women: Lois Abraham and Jane Roberts

    "Lois and Jane demonstrated that citizens in the US understand that family planning, safe motherhood, and HIV/AIDS prevention are essential." Thoraya Obaid

    34 Million Friends of UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)

    34 Million Friends of UNFPA got its start in July 2002 with the coincidental, almost simultaneous, inspiration of two women, Jane Roberts and Lois Abraham. Both were outraged by the US decision to withhold from the United Nations Population Fund $34 million in congressionally appropriated funds, and each was determined to do something about it. 34 Million Friends has become a grassroots movement supported by 100,000 individuals who have contributed more than $2 million and demonstrated widespread commitment to UNFPA's work to improve the health and well-being of people around the world.

    See: Media Information:

    Taos New Mexico resident, Lois Abraham's project in East Timor:

    July 27, 2005 at 09:31 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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