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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

New Santa Fe Dems Website

From Robert Adams:

The Democratic Party of Santa Fe County now has a website:


A Great big THANK YOU to Tom Chepucavage and the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County Communications and Technology Committee for making this site a reality!!

The site is built around the state of the art .NET framework, which will allow us all of the functionality we will need to be truly effective at virtual organizing.  Plans are already in motion to provide Ward Chairs, Precinct Captains and Block Captains with a way to open their "online Headquarters".

Make sure and register once you visit the site - this will enable us to give you the permissions to view pages that are created specifically for our Executive and Central Committee.  It will also enable us to communicate more efficiently and effectively.

Also, we encourage your feedback!!

Cheers, Robert Adams
PO Box 22183 l Santa Fe, NM l 87502
HQ: 907 W. Alameda l Santa Fe, NM l 87501 l 
505.982.5727 l sfdparty@qwest.net

July 12, 2005 at 11:23 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink


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