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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Last Call for Living Wage Signatures

From Albuquerque Living Wage:

We must turn all Living Wage petitions into the City Clerk this coming Sunday, so please get your petitions to the ACORN office by this Friday.  The office is located at 411 Bellamah NW 87102, between the Mexican Consulate on 4th Street and the Friends Meeting House on 5th Street.  For more information, call 242-7411, or email us at matthew@abqlivingwage.org.

As of Wednesday, we have turned in over 30,000 signatures and expect to top 33,000 by the end of the weekend, a full 20,000 more than we need!

Lastly, join us for the Petition Wrap-Up Rally on Monday.  We will meet at 11:00 AM on the City Hall side of Civic Plaza.

July 14, 2005 at 05:07 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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