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Friday, July 08, 2005

INVITATION: Breakfast with State Democratic Party Chairman

Following up on the DNC Assessment meeting some of us attended on 6/29, Meredith Dixon and the State Democratic Party is inviting progressive activists from around the state to a breakfast meeting in Santa Fe with State Party Chair, John Wertheim, to discuss issues we’ve raised and/or other topics of interest. I understand these meetings will be scheduled regularly in different parts of the state. All are encouraged to participate. If you know anyone else you believe would be interested in attending, please pass this along:

Breakfast with
State Democratic Party Chairman John Wertheim
Saturday, July 23rd
10 AM to 11:30 AM
At the NEA Building, 2007 Butolph Rd, Santa Fe, 87505.

If there are particular agenda items that you feel should be addressed, please send them to me or Marci by close of business on Wednesday, July 20th. 

Please RSVP to either meredith@nmdemocrats.org or marci@nmdemocrats.org


Meredith A. Dixon
Regional Organizer
New Mexico Democratic Party
O: 505-830-3650, C: 505-401-8339

July 8, 2005 at 08:51 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink


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