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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Good News On ABQ Living Wage Petition

From Stop the War Machine's email newsletter:
The Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign this week reached 28,680 petition signatures, more than twice the number required to place the measure to increase the minimum wage to $7.50 per hour on the October city election ballot. Just under 14,000 signatures of registered city voters are necessary, but organizers set a goal of twice that number to compensate for any signatures invalidated by the city clerk's office.

Campaign organizers will continue to obtain petition signatures until the July 18 deadline, when they expect to increase the total to more than 30,000 signatures. A press conference has been tentatively scheduled for Civic Plaza at 11 AM on July 18, when the last of the petitions will be delivered to the city clerk. Stay tuned for details.

Questions?  Contact tsos@earthlink.net

July 14, 2005 at 09:06 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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