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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Albuquerque Shuffle

Political blogger Marston Moore over at Duke City Fix has an excellent piece on Albuquerque election politics today. News nuggets: thanks to wooing and moolah promises from da Mayor, Tina Cummins in back in the race in City Council District 9, Councilor Miguel Gomez will face Mayor Marty cohort Ken Sanchez in his race in District 1 and Mayor Chavez has hired a new campaign manager to replace Bridget Cusick. Read all about it.

July 14, 2005 at 11:00 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


With Tina back in and Don Harris running as the other Rep. Chris Catechis, as the only dem in the race, has a great chance to avoid a runoff and win with 40% on Oct. 4th.

Posted by: LocalDem | Jul 14, 2005 8:51:04 PM

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