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Thursday, June 02, 2005


From Terri Holland, Executive Director, Democratic Party of Bernalillo County:

We need 20 electronic roasting pans to keep the chili warm at our Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, June 18th.  We would need to have them dropped by the county Headquarters before Friday the 17th at 130 Alvarado NE, Suite 400 between 8 AM and 5 PM (or we can pick them up at your home).  Please call me at 256-1855 and let me know if you can help.  The environmental department insists that we use either roasting pans or NSF approved crock pots.  If you have either one - we would be so grateful.  They would be available for pickup the following Monday.

We also are in need of a copier, a fax machine, enclosed storage shelves, several side chairs for an office, copy paper,  coffee pot, microwave and smaller regular refrigerator or dorm type refrigerator.  If you have any of these items to spare please call.

We are now at the headquarters 5 days a week, 8 am until 5 PM.  Stop by anytime, I'd be happy to visit with you. Thank you.
Editor's Note: If you can't be a cook at the DPBC Chili (Chile) Cookoff Benefit, please attend and bring your friends and neighbors! Click on the Cookoff link under Coming Events on the right-hand sidebar on this page for a flyer with all the info.

Visit the for a copy of the rules for those interested in entering the Cookoff competition.

June 2, 2005 at 09:48 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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