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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

WOW: Senator Edwards Set for ABQ Living Wage Rally Next Tuesday!

We just got back from DemocracyFest in Austin, but I wanted to get this posted:

On Tuesday, June 28, there are two very important events featuring former U.S. Senator and Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards.  First, at 4:15 PM, on Civic Plaza, Sen. Edwards will lead a rally in support of raising Albuquerque's minimum wage.  We expect good media attention at this event will bolster the current petition drive.  Bring your friends, family, and co-workers for this exciting rally!

Then, after we've all delivered new petitions to the City Clerk, if you or your organization want to help fund the petition drive, please join Attorney General Patsy Madrid and State Senator Dede Feldman at a fundraiser for the minimum wage campaign.  Information for the fundraiser is listed below.  Please feel free to call me on my cell (463-8499) if you have any questions about either event, and please forward this to all appropriate email addresses (public employees should try to send to private email addresses). 

Finally, please go to www.abqlivingwage.org to download your own copy of the petition and proposed ballot initiative, so you can bring signatures to the rally.  Thanks!

Carter Bundy
Political Action Representative
AFSCME New Mexico

P.S.  For unions or other organizations that are planning to make a contribution anyhow, this would be a terrific place to make your donation!

Hon. Patricia Madrid
New Mexico Attorney General


Hon. John Edwards
former U.S. Senator & Vice Presidential candidate


Maude Hurd
ACORN National President

to an event benefiting the

Albuquerque Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
5:30 p.m.

At the home of State Senator Dede Feldman
North Valley of Albuquerque

General reception: $250 individual; $500 supporter
Private reception:  $1000 patron; $2000 benefactor (give/raise)

To RSVP, for information or to become a benefactor, please contact A.J. Goodman:  phone: 1-877-277-1011  fax: 505-244-1090; ajg@ajgoodman.com

To donate to the cause even if you can't attend, please send contributions to:

Albuquerque Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage
c/o ACORN, 411 Bellamah N.W., Albuquerque, NM 87102
phone: 1-877-277-1011; fax: 505-244-1090; email: ajg@ajgoodman.com

Contributions to Albuquerque Minimum Wage Committee are not tax deductible.

June 21, 2005 at 06:33 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


This is great. I think John can get some traction with this issue. As a native of the state, I'm happy to see this happen there, but I hope he's going to try to impact the minimum wage in other states. Ted Kennedy has tried every year since 1997 to get legislation enacted to raise the minimum wage. This is an important progressive issue and I think the Democratic Party can win some critical votes from people that are impacted by low wages.

Posted by: Donna | Jun 21, 2005 8:20:08 PM

I agree with Donna.
Recently I swear I saw something that Govenor Richardson supports s raise in the minimum wage. Although I have read and heard so much as of late, I am not sure. If anyone is reading this didn't the gov come out with some statement recently??? Please help the foggy head!

Posted by: mary ellen | Jun 22, 2005 1:52:50 PM

I'd think that ALL Dems would support raising the minimum wage at the federal level. Or at least they would claim to do so, knowing it doesn't matter because such a thing will never occur with Republicans in control of Congress. Still, they could be yelling about it on the floors of Senate and House, but no.

The real test is whether they support it locally, as Edwards is doing. Of course it's also easy for him to do it since he is not in a position to do something about it because he doesn't hold an elected office. Nevertheless, it's really good that he is pushing this issue. Puts Mayor Chavez on the spot, doesn't it? Hmm. I guess Marty won't be at the rally next week!

Posted by: A Dem | Jun 23, 2005 1:01:10 AM

Did any one see the flyer with a proposed list of democratic values...handed out in Austin and at the Demfest? If not, take a look at https://www.kimpaxson.com/values.htm

There you will find the list and an idea of how such a list can help us communicate our vision for America. Take a look at the pdf of the flyer for how the GOP has used their list. And take a look at the link leading to the GOP list.

Republicans have been clever with language for sure...but they have been brillant at consistently repeating their core values...year after year...candidate after candidate. No rocket science there.

Posted by: kpkidw | Jun 25, 2005 10:05:46 PM

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