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Friday, June 03, 2005

When the President Talks to God

Video of Bright Eyes, courtesy of OneGoodMove. Protest music returns to the Tonight Show...yowsa.

June 3, 2005 at 12:01 PM in Music, Visuals | Permalink


This is the first I heard of that and apparently it was broadcast early May. I'm shocked NBC played it. I'm also surprised we hadn't all heard about it sooner. Am I dreamin'?

Posted by: nancy | Jun 3, 2005 5:23:11 PM

Hmm... I was searching Bright Eyes on Google, I found the saddle creek records website, and found the link to the video to this performance on the Tonight Show. I don't know ... I was shocked at first, but then started thinking of Conor Oberst himself - I remember hearing he had performed at this voting concert, something - against Bush. - I googled the song and read some articles on it I read the lyrics thoroughly.. I wonder how much trouble my dear Mr. Oberst may get into...

I don't think it's a whine, as I've read certain people say - I'm guessing it's what he wants to tell us - his opinion, we have a right
..don't we?

Posted by: aravis | Jun 21, 2005 11:19:59 PM

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