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    Friday, June 10, 2005

    Sound Off: Beltway Dems Whining Again

    This Daily Kos diary, "Beltway Dem Insiders Whine, 'Dean Stole our Golden Goose!'," says it for me. Enough already with the cheapshots from the likes of Bill Richardson, James Carville, Nancy Pelosi, John Edwards and Joe Biden, Dems apparently most concerned with building or retaining their own clout. We're back to the fight between personal kingdoms and what's good for the Party, and if the Party expects to recoup any of its losses in 06 and 08, they'd better start telling their elected officials to start putting the Party first.

    Governor Richardson , while admitting that Dean is doing a good job as DNC Chair, stated that Dean is not the Party's spokesperson. Once-liberal House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the same thing. I guess they and certain other Dems are afraid that Dean might actually be "mistaken" by rank and file Democrats as their spokesperson, given how he has a spine and the nerve to call out the Republicans without hemming and hawing.

    To me, their responses underline how the complainers have mustered only weak defenses, if any, on behalf of our core values. Of course, if Dean is getting all the media coverage, it's tempting to get some for yourself by criticizing him and asserting that you are the "real" spokesperson for the Party. If the Party gets hurt in the crossfire, so be it. What are they so afraid of? Isn't the opposition party supposed to operate in opposition to the party in power, especially when the Repubs are lying, abusing power and worse?

    So Dean said the Republican Party is composed mostly of white Christians these days. That's a fact, and it's been truer with each passing year since Civil Rights legislation was passed in the 60s and Nixon's Southern Strategy kicked in. So he said the Repubs don't seem to care about minority voters having to wait in line for 8 hours to vote because many of them haven't worked a day in their lives. Seems obvious to me. A large and powerful sector of the Republican Party is made up of the investor class.

    These statements are controversial? By acting like they are, certain Dems are playing right into the hands of the infomercial media and the global corporate cabal that gains from a focus on non-issues like this. Good job. Meanwhile, Dem voters like us have been called unpatriotic, elitist, self-centered, anti-American, sinners and worse by the Republican spokesmonkies. Oh, how they must laugh when they see certain Dems kneejerk to apologize the minute Dean or anyone else uses red-meat rhetoric nowhere near as insulting as theirs.

    Even if these Dems believe our rhetoric should be more dainty, it would be easy to use these opportunities to drive home the Dem message instead of being apologetic and distancing. They could say that it's true that radical fundamentalist Christians have taken over the Repub Party's levers of power and are working to obliterate the separation of church and state that's been honored by traditional religions since America was created. They could say that the Republican Party, with its elitist tax cuts, refusal to raise the minimum wage from 1997 levels and ongoing attempts to privatize social security is obviously serving our richest citizens to the detriment of working people nationwide.

    We also keep reading leaked and often unsourced quotes about how Dean is failing in the fundraising department. And yet, he's raised more at this juncture than any DNC Chair in history:

    Despite the polemics that were sure to follow Dean's assuming the role of party chairman, his primary duty is to raise money. Though the Republican National Committee has raised money at a rate of 2-to-1 on Democrats in the first quarter of 2005, Dean himself has been effective. In the first four months, under Dean's stewardship, the DNC has raised nearly $19 million -- more than under any other Democratic chairman in an off-election year.

    I know that as progressives, we take alot of heat when we criticize Dem elected officials, leadership or the Party itself. We are accused of being devisive and damaging. Yet when the likes of Carville and other insiders repeatedly, and often inaccurately, whine about Dean and publicly or privately undercut what he's trying to do as DNC Chair, we're supposed to see this as a positive?

    I'm sure this battle between the base and the fatcats will continue. Between the business-as-usual insiders and the bottom-up-strategy grassroots. Between those who think gold cufflinks and big spender contacts are IT and those who believe Party-wide reach-out to the base, boldness, passion, accountability and transparency are what's missing. Which side thinks more about holding onto personal clout and that of its monied clients and contributors than strengthening the Party of the People? You know the answer. Follow the limousines. Or the shiny new, state purchased private jets.

    Shouldn't all these Dem apologists, most of whom strongly opposed Dean for DNC Chair, be speaking instead about this? Read it and weep over at Make Them Accountable. One more thing, Dean may not speak for Biden or Richardson, but he speaks for ME.

    Barbara Wold

    June 10, 2005 at 02:46 PM in Democratic Party, Sound Off! | Permalink


    Barb: You have said it all-and better than I could..Why Dean is willing to work for a party that has no balls is beyond me. Jeanne

    Posted by: Jeanne Carritt | Jun 10, 2005 11:21:50 PM

    Many of these complainers are DLC members or so-called "New Democrats" -- dedicated to moving the Party to the right in order to reap the benefits of global corporate donations. An excellent piece on what the DLC is, how and why it was created and what it is dedicated to now:


    Posted by: M.E. | Jun 11, 2005 10:50:48 AM

    Barbara: I could not have expressed what I was feeling about the blast against Dean. Thank you always for taking the time and representing us.

    Posted by: Charlotte | Jun 11, 2005 11:35:00 AM

    Very well said, Barb. I ditto Jeanne. We are no longer being represented by this party.
    There's so much the Republicans need to be held accountable for and the Dems in power should be using any and every opportunity to get that message out, not wasting very limited media time criticizing their own.

    Posted by: Nancy | Jun 11, 2005 11:42:57 AM

    Where’s the MORALITY, Bill? How dare you violate old Ronnie RayGun’s 11th commandment: Thou shalt not speak against a fellow party member. How dare you give the Reich-wing media a mindless diversion?! How dare you give the Slime Boat Liars and Repugs sound bites to use against Dems?!

    As a recovering fundamentalist and ex-registered Repug, I changed registration in Dec of ’03 to vote for a moderate with balls. Unfortunately I also picked up gutless ‘hurrah for me,’ ‘sit down and shut up,’ fat-cat, timid and fearful professional politicians. I refuse to allow these spineless wimps to speak for me.

    I agree with Thom Hartmann’s GREAT suggestion - call the DNC at 877 336-7200. Tell the receptionist that you think Howard is doing the right thing and then ask to be transferred to someone who can take a donation and give $10.01-20.01! (The extra $.01 was a caller's suggestion for attracting extra attention.) www.commondreams.org/views05/0610-28.htm
    I’m educated, I’m motivated, and I’m agitating! But not for you Bill.

    Posted by: Roy Streit | Jun 13, 2005 9:57:26 PM

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