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    Friday, June 17, 2005

    Support Santa Fe's Living Wage at Appeals Hearing

    From the Santa Fe Living Wage Network:

    *  Hear the Court of Appeals argument at 9:30 AM on June 22nd. A three judge panel of the New Mexico Court of Appeals will hear the appeal of the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce from Judge Daniel Sanchez's June, 2004 ruling that the Santa Fe Living Wage Ordinance is legally valid. The panel consists of Judges Lynn Pickard, Michael Bustamante, and Cynthia Fry. Come and show your support by listening to the argument. The Courts of Appeals is at 237 Don Gaspar in Santa Fe.

    *  Celebrate Economic Justice at 6:00 PM. Join us at 6 PM on Wednesday, June 22nd at the National Education Association Building, 2007 Botulph Road, for a festive celebration of the first anniversary of the living wage in Santa Fe. The NEA Building is across St. Michaels Drive from St. Vincent Hospital.

    The Program will show a sneak preview of the new film by Thunder Road Productions about the Santa Fe Living Wage campaign, funded by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. We will also be awarding certificates of appreciation to all the volunteer lawyers who defended the Living Wage Ordinance in Court, including those arguing in the Court of Appeals the morning of June 22nd. There will also be music, door prizes, and food donated by Walter Burke Catering, Santa Fe Baking Co., Rt. 66 Sandwich Shop, El Tesoro Cafe, Tribes Coffee House, Aztec Cafe, and other dishes from more restaurants.

    Tickets: You need to buy tickets in advance so that we know how many are coming. Tickets are $8.50 per person (tickets are free for children under 10). To get tickets contact Sheila at 983-9563 or  info@santafelivingwage.org. If you can, get a book of 10 and help us sell tickets.

    Sponsors: We would like people to sponsor the evening, so that we can keep down the expense of tickets and also raise funds for the work of the Network. Therefore, we invite you to be a supporter. In recognition of this support, you will be named in the event program book (including a short message for the "Visionary" and "Organizer" categories). We have four levels of sponsorship: Visionary,($1,000 and up); Organizer, ($500); Activist, ($250); and Believer, ($100). To become a sponsor make out your check to "Santa Fe Living Wage Network" and mail it to P.O. Box 23764, Santa Fe, NM 87502. Questions?  Contact simon@santafe-newmexico.com

    June 17, 2005 at 10:00 AM in DFNM - Santa Fe, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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