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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Support Howard Dean Day: Wednesday 6/15


Read about how to Support Howard Dean Day

Visit the Dean Speaks for Me site

We've Got Howard's Back: Swing the Bat!


Click for other Dean Speaks for Me graphics

And hooray for Wesley Clark!

You can also toss a few bucks towards the DFA effort
to get more attention paid to the
infamous Downing Street Memo.
Just for old time's sake. Howard Dean is no longer at DFA
of course, but our work continues!

June 14, 2005 at 10:18 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink


At last,someone to take on the hypocritical Republicans. Go get them, Howard!

Posted by: Nancy G. Erickson | Jun 14, 2005 9:05:20 PM

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