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Saturday, June 04, 2005

Study in LA Counters Many Myths About Living Wage

The Southwest Organizing Project's SWPOblogger has posted the results of a recent study of the effects of a Living Wage ordinance in Los Angeles. Contrary to the undocumented and rather hysterical jive talk that emerges from the likes of City Councilor Sally Mayer (MAY-YAY'), as well as many Dems, the study found that the law resulted in raised pay for nearly 10,000 jobs with minimal employment loss. The study, funded by the Ford Foundation, also reports that nearly 70 percent of workers affected by the law are low-income and only 4 percent are teenagers.

Click on the link to SWOPblogger above to learn more and access a link to the entire report.

June 4, 2005 at 12:54 PM in Current Affairs, Local Politics | Permalink


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