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Monday, June 06, 2005

Report on Take Back America Conference

Editor's Note: Many of you will remember Matt McMillan from the Miles Nelson for Congress campaign. He also was a founding member of Tidewater for Dean during the presidential primay campaign. He's now working in DC and it was great to get this from him.

I got to watch several of the main speeches from the conference on CSPAN, including great ones by Howard Dean, John Edwards and Kim Gandy. Edwards' populist barnburner about poverty, a living wage and more was especially powerful. It's terrific to hear a Democrat talking like a real Democrat and stressing that our Party is traditionally a voice for those who have difficulty developing one, not for monied special interests. You can read, hear or see video of most of the major speeches at the CFAF site.

Greetings NM Friends,

My organization, Campaign for America's Future, just concluded our annual Take Back America Conference.  I was fortunate enough to conduct FutureCasts - online radio broadcasts - with a number of leading progressives including George Lakoff, Katrina vanden Heuvel (Editor, The Nation), and others. Click to check it out. Also, check out more coverage  from the conference.

Hope you all are doing well - and enjoy!

Best, Matt

June 6, 2005 at 09:12 AM in Current Affairs, Events | Permalink


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