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Friday, June 03, 2005

Downing Street Memo for Dummies

Kathy Flake, one of Albuquerque's original I See Dean People-Take Our Country Back-Take Our Party Back-Grassroots Tea is in the Harbor-House Party-Dean Screams for Me-YOU HAVE THE POWER in Solidarity pals is now living outside London and blogs like a woman. Of course I mean that as one of the highest compliments I can give.

Click for an especially good FAQ on the infamous Downing Street Memo. While you're there, also check out the cows, the lambs, the history trips, the vegan recipes and more. Cheerio.

June 3, 2005 at 12:24 PM in Iraq War, Web/Tech | Permalink


I like the way you give compliments. Accepted, gratefully.

Posted by: KathyF | Jun 4, 2005 2:50:56 PM

Word is starting to break through, slowly. I hear that John Kerry will start talking it up this coming week. Perhaps that will help. Other good sites:


Posted by: Tom Solomon | Jun 4, 2005 5:59:22 PM

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