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    Monday, June 27, 2005

    Bingaman Signs Kerry Letter Re Downing Street Memo and Need for Intelligence Study

    GREAT NEWS: Senator Jeff Bingman has joined a group of Democratic Senators who signed a letter drafted by Senator John Kerry to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The letter urges the Select Committee to complete a study promised a year ago that would review how US policymakers used intelligence on Iraq, and stresses the urgency of completing the study in light of the release of the Downing Street Memo.

    Besides Senators Kerry and Bingaman, the letter was signed by Senators Frank Lautenberg, Barbara Boxer, Richard Durbin, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Tom Harkin, Jon Corzine and Jack Reed.

    Click to download a pdf of the letter.

    If you'd like to thank Senator Bingaman for participating in this effort, click to email him. Perhaps this story really does have legs.

    June 27, 2005 at 03:39 PM in Iraq War | Permalink


    I dont know if you were a Kerry supporter, but Joe Biden was one of his advisers, we shouldn't be picking on our own, especially in a moment when we are not the majority!

    Posted by: Scott | Jun 28, 2005 9:04:28 AM

    It always shocks me when I read a message on the blog here, that is critizing us for "picking on our own"....Scott it is just facts that we are bringing into the light. Call it picking on people if you want....but to me it is just facts.....Should we ignore that he is in the banks' pockets??
    Sorry SCOTT I can't ignore all the corruption on our side and the other side. Meanhwile we average Americans are being sold up the river.
    Just my opinion.

    Posted by: mary ellen | Jun 28, 2005 9:17:51 AM

    Perhaps Biden advising Kerry was one of the reasons he lost. Given Biden's views on the Iraq War and the defense establishment, his advice could well have been a factor in the muddled positions taken by Kerry on Iraq. Perhaps Biden was even one of the DC insiders who recommended that Kerry vote FOR the Iraq War when such a vote was completely the opposite of Kerry's votes and positions on previous wars.

    The conventional wisdom in DC back then was that a vote against the war was political suicide. Ironic that Kerry might well have won the election if he had stuck to his guns and voted against the war, thus giving him much more credibility to criticize Bush's foreign policy and war mongering.

    As for criticizing our own, I note that Biden had no problem bashing DNC Chair Howard Dean on national TV, intimating that Dean should be gotten rid of. Somehow I think that national DLC-Dem egofest of attacks on Dean has more devisive power than a post on a blog in Albuquerque.

    Posted by: barb | Jun 28, 2005 9:39:56 AM

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