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Monday, May 09, 2005

You're Invited to Social Change Committee Meeting 5/16

Empowering People Social Change Committee Meeting of the Coalition To Take Back our Government:

Next meeting will be Monday, May 16, from 6:30 to 7:45 PM at P & J, 202 Harvard SE.

                  Join us and invite friends!

The meeting discussion will be on The NM Human Needs Council and their efforts for a Housing Trust Fund for New Mexico. And a report on The Southwestern Housing Trust Fund Conference held in Albuquerque on April 10, by the Center for Community Change.

The purpose of the empowering people is to work on social changes to help people help themselves to meet their physical needs and to serve as a catalyst to build strong communities. The long term objective is to have people take an interest in public issues that affect them and all of us. Join us!

Maria Santelli, P & J, 268-9557, mjs1126@hotmail.com
Martha Dominguez, 275-0597, marthacd@earthlink.net
Eric Elison, 271-0271, selison22@comcast.net

May 9, 2005 at 09:24 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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