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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Sunday Birdbath Blogging

Bosco our peach-faced lovebird loves to take a bath. As soon as he sees the tupperware lid filled with warm water coming his way, he gets all excited and jumps onto the edge of his private pool:


Then he wades right in:


He loves to dive in head first and swish himself through the water, belly-flopping along the bottom to get as many feathers wet as possible:


Voila! Aquatic lovebird:


Who knew that tupperware would provide the perfect bird bath? Afterwards, Bosco emerges from the water all wet and skinny looking and likes to rub his head along your neck and hairline to dry it off. He is one spoiled lovebird!

May 8, 2005 at 10:27 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


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