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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Show Up to Support Hike in Minimum Wage in Albuquerque


From Albuquerque Living Wage:
Come testify to the City Council, on Monday, May 16, about Albuquerque's need for a minimum wage hike to $7.15. You must sign up to testify in the Council chambers before 5:30.

The chambers are in the basement of the City/County building, on the northwest corner of Civic Plaza, off of 5th & Marquette.

The Council needs to hear from you! Whether you own a Living Wage business, earn less than $7.15, or just believe it is the right thing to let the voters decide this issue in October, you need to speak out. Our opposition certainly will.

A huge majority of voters support the Living Wage as do many of our Councilors and economists who have studied the impact of higher minimum wage laws. The National Restaurant Association and the Chamber of Commerce, however, are masters of misinformation, so we need to counter their attack at the Council meeting with a physical presence that signifies our deep support and testimony that reflects our diversity.

Please join us.

Editor's Note: Click for more information on this issue and Martin Heinrich's bill. If you can't attend Monday's City Council Meeting, please about this issue.

Remember, the Democratic Party of New Mexico Endorses a Living Wage. On April 23, the state Democratic Party, at its State Central Committee Meeting in Socorro, approved the following resolution:

Whereas the Democratic Party is, and has always been, the party or ordinary working men and women, in recognition of this fundamental relationship, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF BERNALILLO COUNTY that the DPNM is committed to the establishment and enforcement of a living wage for all New Mexico workers.

May 12, 2005 at 11:51 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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