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Sunday, May 01, 2005

SCC Meeting Evaluation Form

If you attended the State Central Committee meeting in Socorro last weekend, you are encouraged to complete and return an evaluation form distributed by the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

Download StateCentralCommitteeEvaluation2.doc

May 1, 2005 at 06:52 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (1)


A freshly leaked memo reveals that Bush was planning to invade Iraq very early on, in the summer of 2002, and was working with British Prime Minister Tony Blair to create an excuse for the war. An article in The Independent reveals the details. Excerpt:

Tony Blair had resolved to send British troops into action alongside US forces eight months before the Iraq War began, despite a clear warning from the Foreign Office that the conflict could be illegal.

A damning minute leaked to a Sunday newspaper reveals that in July 2002, a few weeks after meeting George Bush at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Mr. Blair summoned his closest aides for what amounted to a council of war. The minute reveals the head of British intelligence reported that President Bush had firmly made up his mind to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein, adding that "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy".

You can read more about this outrageous news on Daily Kos:

Iraq: The Fix was on in July, 2002

Bush / Iraq Bombshell This Morning

I note that this story is getting very little play in the American media. But then, we should be used to that, shouldn't we?

May 1, 2005 at 11:08 AM in Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday Spring Bird Blogging

(Click photo for larger image.)

Bosco the peach-faced lovebird in his new traveling cage. Dig the palm trees! As you can see, the "window" shades can be up or down, we can secure the cage  with a seatbelt in a car and it has a pair of straps for carrying the cage like a backpack and one at the top for toting by hand. The top zips open, as shown, for toy or food storage. Very cool.

Bosco has one of his very favorite toys on the left, with a cowbell obscured by the hanging strings. If you ask him to ring the bell, he runs and does it. He is one smart cookie. You can see his blue "muff" hanging from the front of the cage. This is where he crawls in and sleeps every night, all cozy and lying down, taking the load off his feet.

This photo was taken on Bosco's first extended trip, down to Socorro for the State Central Committee meeting. He did quite well and was very curious about everything he saw.

Next up is his first camping trip. Later this month we'll be heading down with some friends to Caballo Lake or Percha Dam on the Rio Grande with our little Dolphin-Toyota rig:


It will be Bosco's first night in Gypsy Melody, which we purchased late last year at bargain rates from some bluegrass lovers--hence the name. (One of the previous owners is shown in this photo.) For the first time in many months we'll be spending a weekend entirely free of political activities. Brings a smile to our faces.

May 1, 2005 at 10:35 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0)