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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Last Minute Change on Hearing Fair Wage Bill Disappoints Citizens

From Terry Riley:
Monday evening May 16th the Albuquerque City Council was scheduled to vote on the living wage bill. This motion would not act in favor or oppose an increase in the minimum wage, it would set the item on the October ballot so the voters can decide. This a lame way of getting the living wage to the working folks in poverty.

Upon arriving at the City Council chambers early enough to sign up to speak I was informed that the list of issues was too long and that if the living wage could be heard that it wouldn't be until very late, unnecessarily imposing on those of us who were here to support it. Councilmember Heinrich got the item set for a special session on Wednesday May 25th.

Many of us signed up anyway and got our two minutes to speak at the beginning of the session. Many gave their prepared comments on the living wage, a couple of us, Judge Kass in particular, challenged the city council on the inappropriateness of rescheduling an item that had so many people involved, so many people who had to now change their schedules AGAIN in order to be heard in their democracy. (Great point Anne!)

We now have a second opportunity to get a crowd to the City Council chambers to make our point. It does not look like we have enough councilmembers lined for the vote to carry at this point. Letter writing and e-mails to your councilmembers at this point will help. NOTHING will have as much effect as a personal appearance. We need as many people as possible. If we can, we need to have so many people that they will have to take signatures and turn people away because there isn't enough room.

It is said that democracy is not a spectator sport. I am learning that myself. So much good happens when you are there to supervise the elected officials.

Editor's Note: Click to contact your . I've heard rumors that the bill is being watered down. We'll see.

May 17, 2005 at 09:25 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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