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Monday, May 09, 2005

Lakoff in Denver May 21

Although this is in Denver, I thought some New Mexicans might want to make the trip to see George Lakoff:

George Lakoff in Denver on May 21 -- Save the Date!
Our friends at ThisMatters invite Democracy for Colorado supporters to an important grassroots event. Berkeley linguistics professor and Rockridge Institute Senior Fellow George Lakoff will be coming to Denver to speak on Saturday, May 21. (The time and location are still to be determined.)

Seating will be limited, so please RSVP now at https://democracyforcolorado.com/lakoff_rsvp.

George Lakoff is one of the most influential political thinkers of the progressive movement. His ideas on using language to effectively "frame" an issue and change the debate to our terms have influenced grassroots volunteers as well as Democratic leaders. Lakoff is the author of Moral Politics and Don't Think of an Elephant, and the DVD How Democrats and Progressives Can Win.

Professor George Lakoff will be speaking on Saturday, May 21st in Denver, so RSVP now and save the date! Please check back with Democracy for Colorado and ThisMatters for details of when and where.

May 9, 2005 at 02:32 PM in Events | Permalink


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