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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Governor's Office Responds

From Amanda Cooper, Political Director, Governor Bill Richardson:

Governor Richardson is committed to the Democratic Party of New Mexico and to grassroots organizing.

After reading Barbara Wold's blog entry from May 10th, she and I had a good conversation that I would like to share with everyone. I called her immediately after I read the entry because I was so disheartened to learn that people don’t know how much this Governor has done on exactly the issues Barbara discusses, and I want to make sure you all know as well so that maybe this won’t happen again. Barbara and I have agreed to have better communication so everyone can and will be informed about Bill Richardson’s commitment to this party.

I believe it is important for the Democratic community to understand just how committed Governor Bill Richardson is to the Democratic Party in New Mexico and across the country.

Governor Richardson has taken the lead here in New Mexico and across the country when it comes to the importance of investing and strengthening the Democratic Party. New Mexico is the first state in the country to put grassroots organizers on the ground.  The grassroots organizer program was conceived, developed and funded by Governor Richardson and his organization.  Governor Richardson not only placed the organizers at the Democratic Party, he continues to raise and donate the money for them to work in communities around the state in an effort to help move the party forward.  This is not a DNC program.  The DNC is planning on implementing a similar idea in states, but has not done so in New Mexico as of yet. Many of you have met some of Governor Richardson’s organizers that he has placed at the Democratic Party.  They live in communities all across the state and are spear heading an effort to organize the Party earlier than ever.  Meredith Dixon, Jason Loera, Carlos Trujillo, Irene Parra, Michelle Frost, and our state field director Joaquin Guerra are each committed to building the Party from the ground up.  Governor Richardson is committed to support the party and making it strong in every county.

Moving America Forward was started by Governor Richardson almost three years ago. This organization worked in 5 states as well as many other states where we also ran campaign trainings or held Native American empowerment trainings. Moving America Forward registered 150,000 new voters and turned out almost 1 million people to the polls in 2004.

Governor Richardson was focused last cycle and will be again on encouraging people at the local level to become candidates to run for office at all levels…from School Board, to the Legislature, to County Commissioner, to Mayor, to DA, to Congress, to Land Commissioner.  His political organization invested heavily into the campaigns of Democratic candidates such as Bill O’Neill and John Hooker in Albuquerque, Bob Frost in the Eastern part of the State, newly elected state Representative Hector Balderas in the North, County Chair Jeff Steinborn in Las Cruces, and Dr. Janice Kando in Corrales.  This is just to name a few of the candidates he supported. The Governor helped these candidates as well as many incumbents including Rep. Tom Swisstack in Rio Rancho, Rep. Al Park in Albuquerque, and Rep. Kandy Cordova in Valencia County to name just a few. His political team designed and paid for mail, radio, and cable television ads, helped with campaign plans, targeting, messaging, research, polling, GOTV plans, provided canvassers to go door-to-door, identified supporters, and ran absentee and early vote programs.  The Governor also held fundraisers for numerous candidates and legislators.  This Governor invested over a half a million dollars in helping candidates run for office here in New Mexico just last cycle, over a million dollars registering people to vote, holding campaign trainings, and turning out people to the polls. In addition to New Mexico this same program was run in Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and Florida.

This Governor raised and spent millions to help others and strengthen the Democratic grassroots in 2004 – when he was not on the ballot.

Election Reform is another example of the Governor’s commitment to making things better here in New Mexico and setting a standard the country can follow. We worked closely with the progressive community, the Legislature, the Secretary of State and many other community activists who care about this issue. Voter verifiable paper trails, a uniform set of criteria to qualify and process provisional ballots; uniform training for all presiding judges and election workers statewide; and a new receipt for the voter when you register to vote.

New Mexico will make voting more user-friendly by placing maps at all polling places so voters can find their correct precincts; allowing voters to drop off their absentee ballots at their polling locations on election day; and providing funds to redesign ballots and election materials to make them easier to understand and complete.

He invests resources and money into strengthening our party from the grassroots up and developing New Mexico talent for future candidates and campaigns. New Mexico should never have become a red state and for all of our energies in 2004, we as a party must regroup, refocus, and rebuild. The Governor has recognized the importance of rebuilding the Democratic party, not just nationally, but beginning on our front-lines with our precinct and ward chairs and county parties.  He has invested in a program with long-term goals and a vision for a strong Democratic Party led by effective leaders with a message that is carried to our voters by committed volunteers at the precinct and county level.

I serve as Governor Richardson’s political director, and can give you the full scoop on this man’s convictions and dedication to this party, this state, and this country. Let me tell you a little bit about my background. I come from a long line of public servants, Congressman Tom Udall is my father, Stewart Udall is my grandfather, and Mo Udall was my Great Uncle. I have worked on and run over 45 campaigns in New Mexico. Let me say that I look forward to working with all of you as we move this state and this party forward.

We must support each other and work together. Although we may not agree on everything, it is important to keep a strong line of communication open.

Amanda Cooper
Political Director
Governor Bill Richardson

May 18, 2005 at 11:21 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


I'm glad to know that Bill Richardson has done so much in Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Florida. That certainly helps the Democratic Party of new Mexico.

I'm also glad to know that "The grassroots organizer program was conceived, developed and funded by Governor Richardson and his organization. Governor Richardson not only placed the organizers at the Democratic Party, ... ."

The creation and funding of a sort of shadow organization, placed within the DPNM yet presumably not wholly of the DPNM, is exactly the sort of thing that will strengthen the party itself. There's nothing like having people at the party whose loyalty is divided between the party itself and Bill Richardson to make a party strong.

Posted by: Mike Schneider | May 18, 2005 3:29:43 PM

Richardson is the first to conceive of putting democratic party organizers in the field? Is that a joke? I could name dozens of other states that have done this at one time or another. This type of transparent boasting is all too common with the Richardson folks.

Are these organizers working for Richardson or the Democratic Party? Is the party just a parking lot for Richardson organizers before they go over to his campaign in '06? Why are Richardson organizers, paid by the party, getting involved in the LA Mayors race where one Democrat ran against another Democrat? Is Richardson using party resources to try to put himself in a better position for the California presidential primary in '08?

Let's not take too much credit for too much, Richardson folks. It would be nice if Richardson didn't force his program on the party or us democrats and let democrats decide how they want to run the party!

I thought our party was about more than just Bill Richardson.

Posted by: Larry Miller | May 18, 2005 5:32:33 PM

So, Barbara,

You are thus far silent on this. Is Amanda Cooper putting words in your mouth or is she accurate regarding her assessment of your 'meeting' with her? I, for one would like to hear from you. Are you silent out of agreement or out of compulsion?

My primary concern is that it appears we Democrats have two options to choose from when we are making our decision to become active in the party:

1) We can join up with the NM DNC or,
2) We can go with the Governor.

This separation does not bode well for the state and, more specifically for the Democrats, currently in office and who most definitely have bulls eyes painted on their foreheads by the Republicans.

Changing the topic but, only for a moment, I am also concerned at the Governor’s recent remarks regarding bloggers. Instead of embracing bloggers as a natural means of support and exploiting their talents, he seems content to ignore the march of progress and appears intent on locking himself in the proverbial tower. Why would he make such a categorical dismissal of all bloggers when he opined about lack journalistic integrity? Is he really convinced the main stream media really is covering news in a fair and balanced way or was this more of an olive branch being handed to the press as a means of winning them over or perhaps making preparations for his run at the presidency? I really don’t care whether he has decided to run or not and I would certainly throw all my being into helping him make that dream come to fruition. I am nonetheless concerned that he is choosing to toss bloggers on the proverbial grenade as it were.

For a man who worked to cultivate a public perception of himself as a forward thinking man of vision, I am just surprised that he would ignore the power of the internet. He has gained nothing by treating bloggers with veiled derision when he made a rhetorical remark impugning their integrity. Does he really think they are simply to go away?

As a man with an eye toward the future, he might consider surrounding himself with people who don't only tell him what he wants to hear but rather, who tell him what he seems incapable of accepting; bloggers are here to stay and moreover, they are affecting the national outlook whether he likes it or not. They are a wild card he would be well advised not to ignore. Governor Richardson has two choices; He can use us or he can fight us. To dismiss us is as short sighted as the French were when they built trenches in preparation for the Nazis in World War II.

I strongly suggest the Governor gets up to speed. He's a smart man and I admire him but I cannot understand how he is developing his own political machine completely disregarding the DNC that worked so hard to help get him into office. This action has only served to raise eyebrows from two factions;
1) Old-style Democrats who have operated according to tradition and,
2) New-style Democrats who are daily improving their connections and developing vast networks thanks to the internet.

My question is simple, despite having a fancy, high-tech machine is nice enough. But he’s going to need a road to drive that machine on in order to reach his destination – that’s where the old-style Democrats come in. He is also going to need some high-tech fuel to run that machine – that’s where the New-style Democrats come in.

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 18, 2005 7:08:36 PM

Larry Miller asks "Are these organizers working for Richardson or the Democratic Party?"

I think the Governor's spokescreature answered that question when she said "Many of you have met some of Governor Richardson’s organizers that he has placed at the Democratic Party."

That's "Richardson's organizers". His. Possessive. "Placed at" the party, not hired by or directed by or part of the party. That's the plain meaning of the words.

Larry Miller also says "I thought our party was about more than just Bill Richardson." Speaking for myself, I had thought so too, but apparently Governor Richardson doesn't agree.

Posted by: | May 18, 2005 7:51:53 PM


I like your website and share your frustration. Remember, you are a blogger so; you must be biased and lack integrity. How does that make you feel?

Are you going to lay down or go away?

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 18, 2005 8:03:37 PM

Sorry folks, I wrongly posted "DNC" when I meant Democratic Party - I suppose this makes me one of those loopy bloggers who doesn't have his facts straight.

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 18, 2005 8:40:31 PM

I'm not going to follow the digression about blogging. I'd like to pursue the question Barbara started with on May 10th: Is Bill Richardson hurting the DPNM by sucking up money from a limited donor universe to build a Richardson party at the expense of the DPNM?

Barbara made her case, and now the Governor's agent has responded - has she effectively refuted the allegation?

She spends a lot of time and words on irrelevancies, such as election reform. Election reform may be good, and Bill Richardson may have helped make good law - but clean honest elections are not really a partisan issue. It doesn't help build the party per se.

Se recites her credentials and ancestry, but this too is rather off the point. It doesn't answer the charge.

I see only two lines of evidence which could constitute evidence that Bill Richardson has been helping to build the party:

1. He has given money to democratic candidates; and
2. He has paid for field organizers who are working with (not for) the DPNM.

In looking at whether this helps, rather than hurts, the party let's remember a couple of old political rules.

First, the golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules.

Second, contributors expect payback.

It used to be (in a galaxy far, far away) that parties could help elect their candidates by fielding a large number of volunteers. Now, people expect to be elected by buying large amounts of advertising. This leaves candidates beholden to those who give the money to pay for the advertising.

By giving money to candidates, Bill Richardson is making them beholden to him, rather than beholden to the party. He is, in essence, buying their loyalty to him and his organization. I don't see this as a great way to build the Democratic party. Rather, it's a great way to build the Richardson party.

By buying and running a field organizing effort within the party, he is also undermining the party. By having the gold, he makes the party itself beholden to him - rather than answerable to the loyal party members who could and should be the backbone of the party.

I suspect (but do not know) that the organizing efforts have focussed more on the portion of the electorate most likely to help Bill Richardson, rather than on building support among those most likely to support the party itself. That's the nature of paid help - it tends to be most carefully attuned to the needs of whoever is signing the paycheck.

So no, I still think Barbara was right: "almost all of our efforts at this point in time should be dedicated to Party building" and I see Bill Richardson an helping to build the ARichardson party at the expense of the Democratic Party.

Posted by: | May 18, 2005 10:10:32 PM


Pulling money away from the NMDP is a bad idea. However, I suspect there is a fair amount of hubris when the bank account has three million dollars. Your concerns are valid regarding loyalties and quid quo pro's between the Richardson machine and those deemed worthy of the investment.

My aim was not to divert attention away from the monster bank account, I was merely pointing out that the Governor does not need to be reinventing the wheel. Moreover, he ought to be focusing on every potential means available to him.

Governor Richardson appears convinced that he can make a successful run, for whatever office, by ignoring the parties who definitely have a vested interest in his success. These people break down to two groups; traditional members and new party members. In my opinion, he cannot afford to make a run without either.

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 18, 2005 11:02:09 PM

Good to see some conversation going on in here! I get good visitor and pageload numbers, but people seem reticent to use the blog.

I'll be posting my response to all this sson. In the meantime, does anyone else have any comments? I think one thing people in higher positions in the Party here and nationally don't seem to fully understand is how much mistrust and disgust there is within the Dem base about how things have gone and who's in charge of the message and how it's communicated and disseminated. There is a massive sea change happening from the ground up and people are very frustrated with the business as usual attitudes of many of our "leaders."

Contrast how our base is considered by the leadership and how the Republican base is constantly at the forefront of Party efforts. Quite a contrast.

Posted by: barb | May 19, 2005 12:00:40 PM

Machiavelli would be Pleased, reacting tike a Jacobin Mob, which one of our leaders will we bring to the guillotine today!! Need not worry about the GOP we will cut the throats of our own.

Posted by: Kallisti | May 19, 2005 12:37:53 PM

I want to add my concerns to a bi-party effort which it seems to me can only divide, and not unite, the effort to take our countrty back in '06. I have many questions about overlap as it relates to field work, funding, conection between the regular party structure and Richardson's club.


Maybe less bending to the religious right and some real courage would be more welcome to most parents than our chicken-livered party apparently believes. And while we are on the subject, why is Senator Bingaman teaming up with Frist to set up a program fo children's healh care, with money also going to faith based organizaions? (Refer to Health Action New Mexico for more info.) Jeanne

Posted by: Jeanne Carritt | May 19, 2005 1:35:11 PM

Kallisti: The problem is we've already had our heads chopped off at the guillotine. I call it taxation (or Party donations) without representation.

Posted by: Mary Ellen | May 19, 2005 1:40:44 PM

Just to clarify Jeanne's post (and I'm sorry to get off topic). Senator Bingaman's bill is meant to increase children's enrollment in the federally-funded State Children's Health Insurance Progam (SCHIP) which was passed by Pres. Clinton. This legislation would provide community organizations with funds to do outreach and enrollment with children who are without health insurance and enroll them with this basic level of coverage. It has been a challenge getting kids enrolled in the SCHIP program-which is, esentially, free health coverage for kids.

For many communities, faith-based groups are the only point of service for children. Children in rural parts of the state, for instance, may have to travel 3 hours to the nearest State Health facility to sign up for SCHIP. But if they can enroll locally with a community program that makes it easier for kids to get access to the SCHIP and get covered.

If you have more questions about this program, please call Sen. Bingaman's office at 346-6601.

Posted by: Terry Brunner | May 19, 2005 4:22:58 PM

Barb said " Contrast how our base is considered by the leadership and how the Republican base is constantly at the forefront of Party efforts. Quite a contrast" Remember this contrast! The Republican base at the forefront are religious fundamentalists.To praise the GOP leadership for this and bash Dem leadership for 2004 defeat is disgusting.Dont forget who our new chairman is. Maybe blame should be placed on him for having no message and allowing a business as usual attitude?

Posted by: Kallisti | May 19, 2005 4:23:16 PM

Kalista, I'm not supporting religious fundamentalists, I'm supporting the concept of political parties expressing and supporting the views of the people who make up most of their members, i.e., their base. Many in the leadership of the Democratic Party have been afraid to state what it really believes in as its core values. Consequently, no-one knows what we stand for.

As far as Howard Dean and his role as DNC Chair, unfortunately it was made clear by Nancy Pelosi, Senator Reid and others that his job was NOT to create policy opr message, but to work on the nuts and bolts of the Party. That's what he's doing.

What would you suggest we do to win?

Posted by: barb | May 19, 2005 5:01:08 PM

Barb, you want a suggestion on what to do to win. Unite behind a common goal of beating republicans. That's it. Democrats control this state and govern from the democratic wing of the democratic party.

Beat on Republicans not on Democrats. You don't like Sen. Bingaman postsions Jeanne, then you run against him. That would be the righteous progressive thing to do. Carry the flag for the progressive team Jeanne.

Second, remember that our elected officals have to govern. No one ever remembers that. We beleive that Fox news and the media actually report news and that that's reality. The reality is that Goverment is about protecting and helping people and all the news shows us is one sided sensational car chases, missing wives, and political theatre.

Governing does not get any news whatsoever. Just ask any of your progressive state reps or senators how hard it is to govern and provide opportunities to all New Mexicans.

Lastly, organize oustide of your comfort zone. Step away from your computers. This is why Dean lost, becasue his entire campaign was a paper tiger. It brought people together and they certainly raised a ton of money but his campaign could never convert all that energy into something tangible.

A Victory.

At the end of the day that's all that matters because they won and we lost. And now we have to fight them even harder. What are you doing to fight republican policies?

Postings are great but they don't vote.

Posted by: circular firing squad | May 19, 2005 5:54:47 PM


Before you start talking about Jacobins, review the history. Our problem is the leadership who are following the beat of their own drums.

Personally, I have no need for politicos who are pursuing agendas that suit their personal ambitions.

If you think people need to shut up, perhaps you ought to consider join Karl Rove's camp. They keep their people in line. As for me, I will follow a leader who really does walk the party talk, The problem here is that there is no head on this organization - If you can not provide any solutions other than calling for more of the same - The status quo has failed us miserably in the recent past. I. for one, am tired of having our asses handed to us at every major election. Consequently, I am ready to do what Howard Dean called for; take the party back. The current leadership has dropped the ball so, 'more of the same' is definitely not the answer.

If you aren't part of the solution kalistim then, you are part of the problem. You want to talk about party unity - advise our great leader we already have a party. Have him put the money back into the NMDP. Such an action would go far toward demonstrating solidarity don’t you think?

I might respect you more if you just came out and clearly stated that you work for Governor Richardson’s machine rather than to come in here and opine about solidarity.

Get this through your thick head; we or, better yet, I do not hate the Governor but I wonder why he is going through all this effort to distance himself from the NMDP.

Is he a Democrat or not?

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 19, 2005 9:12:08 PM

As “circle jerk” noted, WE LOST. But what circle jerk doesn’t seem to get is that this conversation is occurring because it needs to – we lost, but what have we done ensure we don’t lose next time. Have we had an honest accounting of what the State Party did in this last election to help John Kerry and our candidates running for local office? Do we have a real plan for what we’re going to do between now and 2006 and how that will play into 2008, or do we just have fancy presentations and big talk?

There are some issues here that are larger than the governor’s field staff going to L.A. and from what I’ve read, they’re legitimate issues pertaining to the party’s management and the Governor’s involvement, so putting aside all the emotionally charged language for a moment, let’s focus on some of the concrete questions that have been put forth and I believe should be answered. So in chronological order:

1. Barbara wrote on May 10th that she’s agitated that the Governor has over
$ 3 million bucks, but the state party doesn’t have enough money to provide the field staff or the counties with the resources they need to kick this effort into high gear. Why doesn’t the state party have the money to provide the resources for the organizers and the county parties?

2. Barbara asked about some of Governor Richardson’s largest contributor’s, Miguel Lausell, a political and business consultant in Puerto Rico who gave $25,000 and Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bloch, real estate investors from Rancho Des Santa Fe, Calif., who also gave $25,000. What do these people do and what do they EXPECT in return for their sizable contributions to our Governor?

3. On May 11th, 2005 Mike Schneider asked Barbara about Rule 4-4 of the State Party Rules, which states that “at each of the two annual meetings of the State Central Committee Meeting, the Chairperson and Treasurer shall present a financial report and proposed budget for the Committee’s consideration.”
-What was in the financial report?
-What was in the budget?
-What did it say about how much money the party has?
-How much does the party plan to raise?
-Where does the party intend to spend the money it raises?

Simple enough. Now onto Amanda Cooper’s response to Barbara’s May 10th posting…with out any disrespect to Amanda Cooper, who clearly wouldn’t be where she is today if she were not good at her job, her response not only failed to answer Barbara’s initial questions and those posted by Mike Schneider, but in fact seem to raise some additional question/concerns as well. Without getting into the whole Moving America Forward vs. the Democratic Party of New Mexico blurriness thing, the questions are as follows:

4. What is Bill Richardson doing in other states to invest in the strengthening of local Democratic Party structures?

5. If the DNC is implementing field programs in other states, does that mean that New Mexico can expect to receive less resources from the DNC?

6. If we do get organizers from the DNC, would they work for the state party, the governor or the DNC?

7. Amanda Cooper stated: “Governor Richardson’s political organization invested heavily into the campaigns of Democratic candidates such as Bill O’Neill and John Hooker in Albuquerque, Bob Frost in the eastern part of the state…His political team helped with campaign plans, targeting, messaging, research, polling, GOTV plans, provided canvassers to go door to door, identified supporters, and ran absentee and early vote programs. The Governor also held fundraisers for numerous candidates and legislators.”

a. If the Governor did all that for our candidates, what did the party do to help candidates get elected?
b. How much money did the state party invest in helping local candidates?
c. How much money did the state party raise for candidates?
d. Why not work through the state party to assist these candidates?
e. If one wishes to volunteer to help democrats get elected in 2006, do we volunteer with the Governor’s campaign or do we volunteer with the State Party? Will there be a coordinated campaign?
f. If so, how can we avoid having the state party and the governor’s campaign avoid duplicating one another’s efforts?

8. On May 18th 2005, Larry Miller asked whether these organizers are working For Richardson or For the Democratic Party and if they are working for the Governor, what will happen when the Governor opens his 2006 re-election campaign?

Besides the Napoleonic duo of John Wertheim and his trusty spokestooge Matt Farrauto and their willingness to jump in front of the closest camera, what is the STATE PARTY doing to help put us on course for victory in 2006 and 2008? If its the GOVERNOR paying for the best thing going for the party- the FIELD TEAM, then where would the party be without the Governor? Lets be honest, all of us who have had the pleasure to meet or work with any of these kids working for the Governor knows they’ve been organizing the hell out of New Mexico. The fact that the organizers are working for the Governor is unfortunate only to the extent that Bill Richardson is temporary and the party is permanent and from what Amanda Cooper wrote and from what the state party’s finances appear to show, the only thing keeping the party afloat besides the hot air coming from John Wertheim, is the Governor’s generosity.

Posted by: Don Victor | May 19, 2005 9:53:45 PM


Point of information: The Jacobins didn't start getting out of hand until after they rose to power. Your analogy is historically flawed. Moreover, the Jacobins actually worked to limit the powers of the King in the beginning. My professor who taught our Historiography class at UNM cautioned us that, regarding History, "accuracy is a duty, not a privilege."

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 19, 2005 10:02:47 PM

hey circular firing squad....
you really think you know why Dean lost, by his supporters sitting at computers and not working for him! that is funny! remember the scream?! And how blown up that was and all the other shenanigans that went on with Kerry and Gephardt teaming and trading horses to win Iowa. Let's face it "they," the entrenched we are talking about, have never been in support of Howard Dean's honesty and the people he has rallied up for the cause of taking our country back. I see nothing but status quo, in very hard urgent times.

How about the Journal this morning talking about the Santa Fe fundraiser for Elliot Spitzer of NY for his governor race that's being organized by Governor Richardson and John Wertheim? All well and good....but listen up Governors office and whoever else is reading this. The Bernallilo County Party office does not even have a copy machine. Have you visited the DPNM party headquarters lately? It is a pitiful facility.

All we hear as volunteers is we have no money. So a few hard-working volunteers created an idea of having a Chili cook-off to raise money. You know there has been zero support from the NMDP people to help with this effort. None, and no support from Wertheim. Meanwhile he is bragging this morning about being on the Spitzer organizing fundraiser party.

What the heck is going on???
We need help here.
Fundraising for our own state.
We want change.
We want accountability.
We want paid staff to enter the important data that comes out of elections.
We want a copier.
No wonder we are losing the state and the country and our position in the world. I believe our priorities are very very screwed up.

It really saddens me, we are working for change against all odds. Circular firing squad is the right image.....and i feel the target on me, and I see it on the other caring people fighting this fight against all odds.

Posted by: mary ellen | May 20, 2005 11:40:26 AM

Circular firing squad apparently believes that the Dean campaign was only on computers. I guess he missed all the people on the streets and door to door and volunteering all across the nation. I guess he is still missing all the people who are out there now, becoming ward and precinct chairs, getting elected to the state central committee and volunteering here and many other states and cities. I guess he hasn't noticed all the grassroots events and efforts happening every week that are being coordinated and run by volunteers, many of whom came out of the Dean campaign. The ones we don't see at these events are the ones who like the Party just the way it is, ineffectual and filled with do-nothings at way too many levels.

Perhaps he didn't notice these things because he's so glued to his chair pontificating and hoping for things to stay exactly as they are now that he hasn't knocked on a door for eons.

As they say, insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. To me, this is where many in the upper and paid echelons of the Party are at.

The Party started going downhill when the DNC started courting monied corporate and media interests instead of building their base. They bought into the myth that large ad buys and a multitude of highly paid consultants and staff in DC would win the day. They believed that if we just acted like Republicans-lite, we could "fool" the voting public into voting for us instead of the real neo-con thing. They were wrong on all counts. We have been losing a multitude of local, state and national elections ever since. So what do these types advocate now? More of the same.

Somehow, noticing the ineffectivenss and wrongheadedness of our leadership and many of our elected officials in building the Party and establishing a strong and passionate platform is considered to be only a "circular firing squad" and we are urged to join hands and "fight against the Republicans." Yeah, we want to fight against the Republicans and we want to do it with a Party that's strong, principled and organized. We don't want to continue the practice of supporting Democratic candidates and officeholders in their own private fiefdoms of fundraising to the detriment of the nuts and bolts of Party organizing and infrastructure. We want donations to the Party, not to private PACS and private campaign funds that are spent at the discretion of the owner, rather than Party regulars.

So, in order to win, we must change the status quo in our own Party. Then we can have effective tools to fight our real battle against Republicans. First things first.

And circular, you speak about Victory. Perhaps if we had had a candidate for president who would speak the truth instead of going against everything he ever supported in his past about unjustified war, we would have had a real standard bearer. Instead, we had a guy who votes FOR the war after voting against the Gulf War, and then he goes around the country campaigning as if he is Bush-lite on the Iraq War. How dismal.

Posted by: barb | May 20, 2005 12:37:06 PM

Wake up people. Richardson sent people to LA to build good will for his presidential campaign. He's investing in the local Democratic Party because if he didn't we wouldn't have a party - or at least one with as much money as it has. The Gov. in any state is the leader of the local state party, just like when Clinton was president he ran the DNC. Instead of sitting around complaining about Richardson, we should be happy that he's investing in the party both in NM and across the nation. We have the chance to have a two term Gov. running for President of the United States. What's not to like about that. Not to bad for a small state in the Southwest that before Richardson became Gov. most people couldn't find on a map. Anyone want Johnson back???

Posted by: LocalDem | May 20, 2005 1:08:26 PM

Of course not local dem. we dont want johnson back, what on earth would make you think out of this dialog that we would want Johnson back? I guess just another dig.
Is it wrong for our New Mexico Party to have some support and accountability from it's leaders? Could we have a copier at least at the largest County headquarters? Hey local dem are you proud of the digs they run our dem party out of?? Maybe you have not visited it lately.
Hey wake up local dem we are a RED state now. So I guess big Gov didnt pull it out after all.

Posted by: mary ellen | May 20, 2005 1:34:17 PM

One other thing... call up Dean at the DNC and see if he's upset about Richardson's use of the state party and helping other democrats across the country. My bet is he isn't to mad.

Posted by: LocalDem | May 20, 2005 1:34:33 PM

I was at the state party two days ago. And I've been in about a dozen state party's across the county. It's as nice as any of them. The reason... we should spend money on candidates and campaigns not nice cozy offices. And yes the Johnson comment was a joke. I think we should be a little more happy with our dem gov. and dem. legislator and a little less critical. we have a lot of work to do... but it could be a lot worse.

Posted by: LocalDem | May 20, 2005 1:37:59 PM

And one more thing - Richardson is raising money for Spitzer so he can go to NY and use Spitzer's connections to raise money for himself... it's called politics.

Posted by: LocalDem | May 20, 2005 1:41:37 PM

Okay Kailsta = circular firing squad = LocalDem,

Here's the low-down. No one here is hating on your boss. We are asking for him to share a piece of his pie with the party that brought him to power. Diversionary tactics aside, Bill Richardson is a Democrat. We are Democrats. Why does the NMDP appear like the welfare kid looking at Billy licking his ice cream cone?

If you want to end the uproar the answer is simple, include your Party in your party.

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 20, 2005 2:30:05 PM

Local Dem. We all know what politics are. We are all happy we have a Democratic governor. And we are all glad that Richardson has brought more attention and resources to our state. Those are givens.

What we concerned about is someone making a private kingdom out of donations from large donors and sucking up all the capital for himself instead of for ALL our candidates, and our on-the-ground operations.

And it's not about having a "cozy" office, it's about having something that shows we have it together enough to actually win races so we can get donations of time and money from many people from diverse backgrounds, not just from heavy hitters in the real estate and legal fields. Dig?

Usually, if you have an efficient office, it has modern office equipment, a floor that looks like it has been vacuumed within the last year, a fresh paint job and organized work spaces. It also has paid staff who really work instead of picking their noses and waiting for the guv to call.

If there are people in NM with enuff bucks to pay $500 to go to a party for Spitzer, we certainly can tap into this motherlode of moolah to get the county a copy machine and our state offices into the 20th century. I'm not even asking for it to be into the 21st....

Posted by: Jose Lib | May 20, 2005 2:37:45 PM

Bless you Jose Lib - your loyalty to the party shines through. High fives and pats on the back to you. It is noce to hear from a real and passionate party member rather than an anonymous paid minion who calls for unity and wishes we would just shut up already.

Our party has been on the losing end of elections both locally and nationally so maybe its time for us to take it back.

Like the Black Panther, Stokeley Charmichael once said, "If you go to the bargaining table and nobody wants to talk, then its time to knock the motherfu**ing legs out of under that table."

I want a unified Democratic party. If politicians aren't in it then they ought to stand on their own and form their own party.

More of the same simply is unacceptable. Either they are democrats or not. plain and simple.

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 20, 2005 3:13:37 PM

I think we are all forgetting that there is a state party chair, his name is John Wertheim. I dont get why we are attacking/defending the Governor.

We just had an election - I voted for the Chairman, in retrospect I really wish I hadn't. I mean 100+ people decide to vote for the no-name guy who speaks with conviction and seems serious about communicating and you want me to believe the Governor thinks everything is hunky-dory at the party? I just find that hard to believe...hard not impossible.

We are all sitting here (in a circle?) looking to place blame at the doorstep of the highest elected official, but isn't there a chain of command, someone who overseas the day to day and week to week at the party? It would seem logical to me that whether the Bernalillo county party has a copier or not, would fall into the realm of the state party and not the governor's office, which I would hope would have more pressing matters to attend to. Afterall, leadership is 75% delegation.

There's a greater reality than the one in which some Democrats are willing to acknowledge- its called America, thats where I live and in my American, we have a right to question our leaders and our institutions and we have a right to ask for accountability.

Politics is a means and not an end in itself. I care about the party's strength not because I hope to land a fat contract with the state, but because its the best shot we have at getting our country off its present crash course.

Silencing conversation, in this regard, is nothing less than unpatriotic and cowardly.

It's interesting to see that comments most hostile are actually coming from those who seem angry that this conversation is even happening- If the comments are really coming from the governor's staff or from the party staff or whatever, rather than attacking us for asking questions, why dont you try answering them?

The only thing hurting the party are those who refuse to lift their heads out of the sand long enough to get a wiff of reality- somethings not right at the party and it needs fixin.

Posted by: Don Victor | May 20, 2005 7:05:35 PM

Don you make some good points and I re-read your early post where you ask some good questions. And I don't have a problem questioning what the state party is doing and what they might be able to do better.
The thing that is bothersome to me is bashing the Gov. for having to much control over the party. He's invested a great deal of money over there and is the highest ranking Dem. elected in this state. He should have some control and input. I wouldn't think anyone would say that the party is worse off than before he was elected. They didn't even have a modern voter file - now they have an excellent web based file that can be accessed by candidates all over the state. I agree things can get better - but blaiming the governor for "sucking up money" and not doing enough to help the party I think is just way way off base. Things would be worse without him - no doubt.

And on a side not - I can't believe the county party doesn't have a copier. We need to hold a "Buy a copier" fundraiser. I'll come.

Posted by: LocalDem | May 20, 2005 8:40:07 PM

LocalDem, why is it bashing the Governor to admit the facts of a situation? Of course a Dem governor should have input and some control over the Party apparatus, but he shouldn't own it. It's just not healthy for the future of the Party in the long term, after the governor is long gone to other pursuits if he's lucky.

I bring up the copy machine not because the governor should be concerned about such a mundane item, but because it shows how poverty stricken and neglected the County Party is. And not just any County Party -- the one that has the majority of voters in the state in its territory. How foolish to starve the Party while raising money for out of state candidates. Surely the guv could insist that everyone who pulls out $500 a pop for the Spitzer event should toss a few bucks to our state and local Party structure. If he wanted to.

But Don Victor is right. We're forgetting the State Party Chair. Is this guy leading the Party or just being a gofer? I'd still like to know what Party luminaries and Democratic officeholders are gonna be cooking or sampling chili at the Bern Cty fundraiser. I guess they'll only show up when they want people to walk door to door and answer phones.

Posted by: Jose Lib | May 20, 2005 10:05:13 PM

PS And didn't the modern voter file come in with DNC and/or Kerry money? When did the governor fund that? The problem, tho, is that the database isn't checked or updated regularly as far as people I talk with can tell. Just for one example, I know someone who's a precinct chair and their name isn't even on their walk-list for their precinct.

Posted by: Jose Lib | May 20, 2005 10:08:51 PM

Don Victor and Jose Lib,

I really appreciate your way of articulating what I have been trying to say here for quite some time. You are correct, the more someone tries to silence me, and people like me the more frustrated we become.

While I appreciate Liberal Dem’s argument that anger may be displaced I also maintain that to conclude a problem does not exist or worse yet to imply that focusing on a solution for that problem is somehow detrimental to the cause is as dishonest as it is short-sighted. From what I can see here, no one is attempting to impugn the Governor’s integrity or ignore all the good he has accomplished thus far.

It is worth mentioning however, that we are now at 33 posts regarding this topic. People are not shutting up because they still do not feel like they have been acknowledged. This is a dangerous precedent; questions continue to arise and remain unanswered. Save for the, “this is hurting the cause,’ response broadcast by the ‘separatist’ supporters, such braying offers a whole lot of nothing.

Why does it feel like we are talking to a bunch of used car salesmen? They have placed a value on the vehicle thinking that if they stay solid on their price, we are going to break down and buy it. I hope these people realize that many of us here have the option to refuse to buy. If we are not heard, we will simply dig in. We are not going away.

The Governorship and the Presidency cannot be won solely on the commitment of a few gifted, book smart ideologues – I saw that happen with Jim Baca who chose to put all his eggs in the ‘dedicated dream team” basket when he ran, as an incumbent, for a second term as Mayor of Albuquerque. Many of Baca’s campaign workers came from out-of-state with a whole lot of academics, enthusiasm and idealism. They also had no feel for what was important to the voters. From my observations, the Baca Campaign made a grievous error when they ignored the people who had arguably more vested interests; the loyal party backers willing to throw support behind the Mayor. All they needed to be mobilized was to be welcomed. Jim Baca is a perfect example of what happens when a politician surrounds himself with brilliant people and forgets to put his finger on the pulse of his community. He ignored the locals, dismissed them and paid dearly for his flawed judgment. He was soundly defeated.

No doubt Bill Richardson has charisma and is highly elect-able but to think he can make his runs without the NMDP is indicative of a huge ego that will only be quieted with an unexpected defeat which will prove to have been predictable to everyone but the worker bees in his machine because, they were convinced they could not possibly be wrong. With all the back-slapping going on in that machine as they circle the wagons and refuse to acknowledge their vulnerability, they refuse to realize their enemy is that Republicans and not the vocal Democrats who are being systematically disenfranchised from the process. If this is where they are headed, I strongly suggest they hold off on purchasing the champagne just yet.

Is the NMDP simply not trustworthy? Are there certain members in the organization the Governor simply does not trust? Are there conflicts that the general public is unaware of? What gives?

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 21, 2005 1:52:03 AM

This is a facinating debate, I have to admidt some of it is actually reality-based.

I think it what it all comes down to is the role of political parties. What's a political party and what's its purpose? Win elections? Take positions on issues? Develop candidates? Set their elected officials up for the Presidency? All of the above?

Let me clear up a few things:

1. The Party has had a voter file of some sort since 1994, some good, some bad. The new voter file has its good attributes and its bad.
2. The much-hyped Dean grassroots movement had its moments of success and moments of failure. John Kerry beat the overhyped Dean operation on the ground in Iowa (and in NM for that matter). So lets not glorify Dean too much.
3. Anyone who watched the Dean campaign in action in NM knew that is was lot of smoke and mirrors and was ineptly run by Francisco Apodaca.
4. Richardson is running for President and using the State Party as a vehicle to do just that. Wake up people!
5. Richardson's resources that are supposedly devoted to the party are actually devoted to his organizers. The DNC and others have funded the voter file, and the non-Richardson staff.So, lets give credit where credit is due.
6. Anyone who wants their party offices to look clean, efficient and "modern" is a stranger to political organizing and campaign operations. Is that what we should really be worrying about here?
7. How many of the people posting here have actually worked at the DPNM or held a position as an officer? I think you have no concept of how difficult that is and the time involved. So, to you backseat drivers--Have some respect for the people that give up their time, and their lives for these thankless positions.
8. How many of you were involved in the party pre-2000? Those that were understand that we are far better off from an organizational standpoint that pre-2000.
9. Would Republicans be having this frank of a conversation?

I think not. Ciao

Posted by: larry miller | May 21, 2005 10:33:14 AM

Where to start? As an outsider who was formerly an insider, I see lots of distortions, and lots of forest overlooked by the trees.

First, the Dean organization had its share of Keyboard 101st troops, but it also had an enormous volunteer base. Too many, in some instances. There were also some problems within the ranks of the campaign itself, mainly due to inexperienced staff (no one with any real experience would sign on at first, remember). But those of us who worked our hearts out resent being dismissed as "hype."

Second, Richardson supports those candidates he owes favors to, or in some cases, those running against those who've dared to run against him. This isn't party building, Amanda, this is party splitting. Passing out letters of endorsement at the state Dem convention may have paid off a debt but it didn't win him any friends among the progressives of NM. He lost my support that day. (If I were named Gerald Peters that blow would be much more severe, I know.)

And everything Big Bill does these days is designed to support Bill Richardson's run for the democratic nomination. Make no mistake there. Elliot Spitzer, who's sure to be the next gov. of NY, will be a powerful ally.

No one's mentioned the need to reform NM's fundraising rules. Currently there are no limits to contributions in state races. Without limits, we'll get what we deserve--Gary Johnson and Big Bill.

Finally, are you sh*tting me? There's no copier in the dem office? Jeez. Someone suggested a fundraiser, but I think Mary E. has already been planning one. I'm in. I'll submit my recipe for veg chili on my Wednesday Food blogging, and ask for donations to the cause. Let me know when and where to send donations, Mary E.

Thanks barb, as always, for making this site and these discussions happen.

Posted by: KathyF | May 22, 2005 12:50:49 AM

When are long-time, true, NM bred Democrats going to wake-up on what Richardson is all about? I became a Democrat in 1983, was a County Young Democrat Chairman, county and state delegate, ward chairman, participated in both Clinton campaigns, worked my tail off for Jeff Bingaman, Bruce King, and Richardson's campaigns for Congress and Gov. and will always work for my father's reelection bids to the State House. Being another "casulty" of the Richardson administration because integrity was not a trait the Gov. admired about me, I've stepped aside from the Democratic party because we are being told how to vote, who to vote for, and accept regime-like direction from Richardson! The NM Democratic party is fractionalized, and is not unified. The party is no longer the party of many but rather the party of ONE! I have never been disenfranchised from the Democrats as I have been since Richardson's election. There was a clear message in the last presidential election...if we don't wake-up we will help orchestrate a republican takeover of NM government! Amanda Cooper talks about "grass-roots", be sincere and educate yourselves about generations of NM Democrats. Don't need fancy titles, organizations, and gimmicks to feel the disconnect among many NM Democrats!!

Posted by: Jeff Varela | May 23, 2005 10:41:14 AM

I would like to thank Amanda Cooper for her participation. Is there any chance that we could have a response also from Governor Richardson?

I think it would be a wise and monumental step for the age, if elected officials started participating directly on websites other than their own.

And on another note; could you ask your father, Congressman Udall, if he received my personal email and if so if he plans to respond to it?

Thank You, Edge

Posted by: Edge | May 23, 2005 11:46:24 AM

I am sorry Jeff Varela but I can easily see through your personal attempts to divide the Party. I have witnessed the effects of such negative jive and I know where it stems from, and that crowd belongs in prison. Your father, Representative Lucky Varela, is a good man. Unfortunately, your associations with Santa Fe political lowlifes may endanger any re-election he may seek.

Please migrate to another social crowd, or quit professing to be a Democrat.

Posted by: Edge | May 23, 2005 12:09:05 PM

So glad I finally had a chance to read all the great discussion so far! Thanks, Barb for all your hard work!
I hope the 'leadership' of the Democratic Party don't find themselves too busy or uninterested to personally read what is being felt by MANY New Mexico Democrats. Old and new Democrats! And it should make no difference which! Key word here~DEMOCRATS!

GRASS ROOTS...GRASS ROOTS is the Democratic voter base...GRASS ROOTS is our communities...GRASS ROOTS is our County...GRASS ROOTS is our State...!

The dismal truth of the Bernalillo County Party Headquarters is hard to take(and hard to look at!) All of us at the Grass Roots level have worked and continue to work very hard in an effort to make our Party stronger and more united. It compromises and makes difficult these efforts when the largest county in the state of NM, does not have the proper equipment (and yes, not even a copier! paper, file cabinets, etc!)and the basic tools needed to perform even what should be simple tasks.

You know, on our State tax returns, there was a box to check for donations to go to the State Party of your choice. Perhaps the State Party should pass a percentage along to each County, based on contributions from that particular County or its Party voter size. Where is that money, what is it being used for and will it be staying here in the State of New Mexico?

It's a personal committment and goal to do everything I can to help strenghten our Bernalillo County Party and in turn our State Party, but as too many of us know, it's like the donkey kicking a reinforced brick wall! I thought we were all supposed to be riding the same donkey here! Attempts to work within the County and State Party structure is difficult and frustrating, to say the least. The Party has chosen a few that they know will do their bidding with little regard to the voices of the TRUE ROOTS of the Democratic Party.

There are so many areas and many issues in our County and State Party that need much work~one being a clear concise public Party platform! As more than a few of us know, there are SO many issues that need to be addressed by Party leadership...not subordinates but the leadership themselves.

I suppose I am more than a little baffled by their surprise at the anger and frustration that is being voiced and expressed! Obviously and sadly they are not, and have not been, listening to the REAL Roots! The Roots are not the part of the Party being devisive here!

The Roots cannot continue to grow a large healthy NM Party when they are constricted and the tightly curled leaves above forget where their strength comes from! Wake Up! Open Up! We need help down here!

Posted by: YuccaRose | May 23, 2005 1:15:10 PM

I usually don't post, but I always read so as to keep an eye on how the swirling clouds might affect the various campaigns I manage or advise. In this case I am posting because an old horse can sometimes provide a look at the forest for the trees.

The state and county parties serve several functions; the most valuable being their ability to speak for our party and counter the republican spin machines, and to be the dugout for those of us who actually are the team out on the field. The party has never had much money, nor a lot of people they can swing into action when races are going on in a hundred different disricts. Lobbyists and special interests have very little incentive to donate to the party, but a huge incentive to bet there money on the candidates who will be policy makers...many times regardless of whether the candidate supports their position, but, because they know that that candidate will in all likeyhood win and thus become a decision maker involved with recurring and new issues affecting their livelihood. As the leader of our party and the executive branch, and with a punch clock on the national playing field, the Governor is the most obvious recipient for special interest largesse, which is why he has three million in the bank. The G. doesn't have to fall in line with any special interest on any specific issue to receive their donations (this doesn't include emotional issues such as abortion) and the G. has shown that he is able to say no to some of his biggest donors. The motivation for saying no is likely three-fold: 1) it is what is best for the state, or, 2) public sentiment is over arching, or 3) he is doing what he thinks is best for his own personal goals. More than likely it is a mixture of all three. The point being, however, with his influence and expected long-term playing power, there is ample reason to argue that donations and policy direction or decisions are not a quid pro quo arrangement as intimated by some of the folks writing in.

So, the State Party will never have the cash the G. has. But will the G. spend that money on NM politics? He did last year. Some went directly into legislative campaigns, other monies were spent providing services to the campaigns. In over twenty years of managing state senate campaigns I've never seen a sitting governor put in the dollars like Richardson did. But, like the Governor, many of these democratic legislators have issues that are not simpactico with the G.'s agenda. There were several times that his requests, some of them pretty big, were turned down by legislators who recieved donations. (I think this should be recognized as a sign of a healthy democratic system.)

Is the G.'s use of his political monies outside of NM good or bad? Or, to paraphrase, is what is good for the G. good for NM democrats? I think in this case the answer is yes. First, there would be no three million if the G. didn't have the national profile. Second, the G.'s success on the national playing field may prove critical to NM in the near and distant future (Otero Mesas and Cannon closing are just examples of things continually coming down the pike). And, finally, our national party and national efforts, like our local efforts, are not run out of a black box, but by what we hope are intelligent, pragmatic and compassionate people. For whatever reason (luck, skill, hard-work or brains), life has dealt Bill Richardson in on a pretty big game that affects a lot more than this small (don't forget, a diamond is also small) part of the world we live in. If the results of his work/ambitions move us in the direction that is best for our country, then everybody does benefit. Of course, the pages in that book are still being written.

And finally, assuming that all those individuals posting here want the democrats to previal in our ongoing battle, I suggest that anybody posting who uses such derogatory terms like 'spokescreature', be ignored. There is nothing that can be gained from such individuals and it will detract from the main goal. Nuff said.

Posted by: matthew baca | May 23, 2005 2:36:23 PM


Very articulate cogent arguments for party unity. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Your call for unity is as compelling as it is touching. Never the less, what is to come of the Democratic Party that Bill Richardson owes his career to? I do not begrudge the Governpr's earning capacity as related to fund raising. To the contrary, I applaud it. However, is it not evident to you that this disproportionately large amount of money could be funneled to the party that clearly pre-dates the Governor and moreover, will continue to exist long after he is gone? I am happy to hear the Governor is not involving himself in quid pro quo funding but really, there is an image question here. Do you not agree that when the NMDP is operating with an embarrassingly low budget? My major concern with such fiscal disparity, what kind of statment does that send out to the party? Thank you for your enlightening perspective. It makes sense. Now, bearing the 'main goal' in mind, why shouldn't the Governor throw a bone at the organization that worked to help him gain the position, status and name-identification he enjoys?

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | May 23, 2005 8:07:04 PM

I invite you to come in for a landing and become informed! Rep. Varela doesn't need me or you to prove his worthiness for reelection. I know he is good man and a good democrat! His record and reputation speak for him. I speak on behalf of those good, loyal democrats who are not fooled by what Richardson and his di
sciples are trying to do the party. I've lived and seen the true Democratic party in NM...have you?

Posted by: Jeff Varela | May 24, 2005 2:04:44 PM

Jeff as a taxpayer in four New Mexico Counties, I am aware of what Governor Richardson has already done for the entire state. If you are unable to recognize another fine leader who has risen like your Father, perhaps the gossip and negative inuendo has overcome your senses. I won't hold that against your Dad.

Governor Richardson is sound and a proven leader. I suggest you accept his qualified achievements and get over your bitter, divisive, and revenge seeking pettiness.

Yes Jeff, I have lived and seen the true New Mexico Democratic Party. It is honorable, diverse, and welcoming.

Consider your other options, and stay with the Party of the People!

Posted by: Edge | May 26, 2005 4:22:13 PM

What's the fuss? Governor Richardson's PAC has raised money, given it to local candidates and helped get out the vote to elect Dems across the state and the nation. Where's the problem with this?

In the end, we all have to remember that it's the Democratic party and candidates that benefit from this political largess.

Also, since the money and operatives are working for the PAC and not the state party, it's entirely appropriate for the Governor to send his staffers to L. A. to help a friend running for office.

Posted by: Travis Galey | May 26, 2005 5:08:05 PM

Appears as if you're a committed Democrat and loyal New Mexican. That is what I mean, don't be fooled by the gesturing and posturing. If we're really a "party of the people" I would contend that grass-roots New Mexicans should be encouraged to participate, not be controlled by one individual who has obviously lost touch with NM.

Posted by: J Varela | May 27, 2005 8:41:08 AM

Daily Democrats come up to me with horror stories about Fat Bill. Some of the tales are political and others personal about the Governor. As a life-long Democrat the political tales anger me and the personal ones sicken me.

The Large Lard is getting such a reputation that soon his chances for President will go from slim to none. That may be the only time I use the word slim in referring to Governor Doughnut.

Richardson comes from the “Buffalo wing” of the Democratic Party. His politics and personal morality makes even Bill Clinton look like an alter boy. I hate the way he sold-out the Democratic National Convention and threw the election for his CIA buddies. El Puerco couldn’t even carry New Mexico. How can one Governor be so Fat and Lame at time?

Governor Tons-of-Fun is too short and fat to be even Vice President. And the Hispanic vote will be of no consequence in the next presidential election. In New Mexico the ship of State has a portly Captain name Richardson who only know how to make turn to the right …so the ship keeps going in circles.

Posted by: John Coventry | May 27, 2005 9:57:28 AM

Jeff "the grassroots" don't want any part of the criminal element. Grassroot workers have been victimized enough already and now that the criminals are known, it's over.

Please steer grassroots efforts away from the past criminal element and their bitter failed revenge. Don't try to be their voice!

Posted by: Edge | May 27, 2005 1:59:17 PM

I get you! Best of luck to you in the land of the lost! Hope you don't end up getting used like toilet paper like some of us have!

Posted by: J Varela | May 27, 2005 3:13:44 PM



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