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    Saturday, May 28, 2005

    DFA Joins MyDD's Democracy Directory

    From DFA's :
    Action is the catalyst for change, and working in conjunction with other like-minded groups can lead to even bigger changes. To that end, Democracy for America has joined the Democracy Directory project (click image).

    The DFA Democracy Directory is an online "yellow pages" tool that lists grassroots organizations from across the nation. The directory will include basic information about each group, including the type of work it does, where and when it meets, and how to contact its organizers. The Democracy Direcotry will help activists find each other to collaborate and create change in their local communities—and across the country.

    Today marks the launch of the DFA Democracy Directory. Start by searching the groups listed or by adding your own group to the Directory. Your listing will be searchable by thousands of activists across several participating portal sites, like the MyDD community. If you have any questions or comments about the DFA Democracy Directory, let DFA know!
    Editor's Note: Click the button above to browse or search the Democracy Directory's database or to add your group to the listings. Let's try to get all of the progressive activist groups in New Mexico added to the directory!

    May 28, 2005 at 11:58 AM in DFA | Permalink


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