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Thursday, May 05, 2005

DemocracyFest 2005: Register Now

From Democracy for America:
Come spring, minds turn to all sorts of great things to come. Like warmer weather, longer days, and DemocracyFest 2005.

Preparations for this year's festival, scheduled for Austin, Texas -- one of America's great cities -- from June 17 through 19, have hit fever pitch. Planners have lined up a star-studded agenda -- including our very own DNC chairman Governor Howard Dean.

But what they need more than anything are participants ready to get energized about building our democracy from the ground up. In short, they need you.

So sign up today. You can do it right here:


DemocracyFest 2005 promises to feature some of the best that Austin and the progressive grassroots movement have to offer.

You can learn the truth about Tom DeLay from two of his most formidable foes: Richard Morrison, who almost knocked him out of office in the 2004 elections, and former Congressman Chris Bell, who helped expose DeLay's ethics problems to the American people.

You can learn how to frame issues from Dr. Jeffrey Feldman of Frameshop, and get the scoop on alternative media from Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos. You can hear Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. explain how you can help work for election reform, and collect tall tales of Texas politics from the one and only Molly Ivins.

And it wouldn't be Texas without good food and music -- they've got them both, from bands like the Asylum Street Spankers and barbecue from the world-famous Stubbs.

Governor Dean is coming. Hundreds of your friends and colleagues in the trenches across the country are coming. You should too. Sign up now:


DemocracyFest has a fabulous program coming up for you -- a weekend where you can trade ideas, learn new strategies, and get energized for the hard political work ahead. It'll be a great celebration in Austin -- I look forward to seeing you there.

Tom Hughes
Executive Director
Democracy for America

Also participating: Jerome Armstrong (mydd.com), Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (dailykos.com), Jim Hightower and more.

May 5, 2005 at 12:58 PM in DFA, Events | Permalink


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