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    Monday, May 23, 2005

    Deal Reached on Nuclear Option

    So who do you think won? Who caved? What's the net result? Check it out and let us know:


    It feels to me like a cave by the Dems but then Reid didn't have a strong hand and this is no doubt better than the nuclear option. And I'm sure the rightwingos will be raving at Frist for not being able to swing this even with 55 Repub Senators. Still, the reviews are mostly mixed...

    May 23, 2005 at 06:52 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    Hi Barbara,
    Well, it's a compromise, so by its very nature is somewhat disappointing. We may have to suffer with Owen and Brown, but the filibuster lives on to use in the inevitable future Supreme Court fight. And I'm sure we will go through this all over again. No way Dobson/Frist give up.

    Posted by: Tom Solomon | May 23, 2005 9:48:45 PM

    The Dems caved. They virtually rubber-stamped 3 of 5 nominees, assuming there are no dissident Republicans. The Republicans gave Dems permission to keep the filibuster so long as they don't use it. But Frist made it clear that he would invoke the nuclear option if Dems misbehaved. So the first time Dems threaten to filibuster, Frist will threaten the nucelar option. Dems have gained nothing but, perhaps, a little breathing room.

    Posted by: John McAndrew | May 24, 2005 8:37:51 AM

    Of course I'm not pleased about the wacko judges who will get confirmed due to this agreement. However, I really believe if either side knew they had enough firm votes to win on a nuke option vote, they would have pushed to a showdown. It seems obvious to me that neither side thought they did and thus viewed a vote as too dangerous.

    Imagine the horrible situation if Frist's forces prevailed and the filibuster was off the table as a tool for the duration of Bush's term and until enough Dems regain seats in the Senate.

    The real problem is that we are down 10 seats in the Senate -- a margin difficult to overcome. Reid had a rather weak hand to play.

    As it stands I think this is merely a continuing stalemate that will prevail for only a short period time until the whole issue of the nuke option bursts back onto the table. Frist has been embarrassed and his fundie supporters are frothing over this. I mean, in his own mind, his future presidency is in the balance!

    Posted by: barb | May 25, 2005 10:22:08 AM

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