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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Common Cause NM Asks for Our Help in Leveling the Playing Field

CcnmFrom Common Cause NM:
We have been working for publicly financed elections in New Mexico for many years.  Now, we are bringing this fight to the City of Albuquerque to make sure campaign spending does not spin out of control in citywide elections.  To do this, we need help from Common Cause members in the Duke City.  On Monday evening, City Councilor Eric Griego introduced the Open and Ethical Elections Ordinance.  The bill calls for an initiative to be placed on the October 4 citywide ballot that, if passed by voters, would provide for publicly financed mayoral and city council elections.

It is important that we get this initiative on the October 4 ballot so that the residents of Albuquerque can decide how their elections will be financed in the future.  Please contact your city councilor today.  Find your councilor by entering your address and then ask for them by calling the city council office at 768-3100.  Tell them you support letting Albuquerque residents weigh in on public financing for citywide elections.

October's election will be the first without spending limits in over two decades and Albuquerque's mayoral and city council races are on pace to be the most expensive in history.  We believe the Open and Ethical Elections Ordinance is the solution to this problem.  Here's how it works: like public financing mechanisms we've advocated for at the state level, the Albuquerque system would require candidates aspiring to serve on the council or as mayor to demonstrate public support by gathering low-dollar qualifying contributions.  Candidates would agree to voluntary spending limits and agree to spend only publicly allocated funds during their campaigns.

The Open and Ethical Elections Ordinance would level the playing field, allowing ordinary citizens from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to run for office in Albuquerque.  Raising money is a time consuming task that prevents candidates from having more contact with voters.  With public financing of elections in Albuquerque, candidates would be less beholden to big money special interests and have more time to spend talking to voters about the issues.

The Open and Ethical Elections Ordinance is about returning power to where it belongs, with the voters of Albuquerque.  Find your city councilor, call them at 768-3100, and urge them to support this ordinance.

In the coming weeks, you can track the progress of the Open and Ethical Ordinance by visiting our website.

Thank you for all that you do for democracy in New Mexico!

Matt Brix, Executive Director
Common Cause New Mexico

May 19, 2005 at 12:05 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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