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    Friday, April 29, 2005

    Win Free Tix to DemocracyFest!


    From Latinos for America:

    A Ticket on Us!
    Latinos for America will be giving away free tickets to Democracy Fest.

    Democracy Fest, a gathering of progressives from around the country hosted by Democracy for Texas (https://democracyfortexas.org/) and co-sponsored by My Vote is My Voice (https://myvoteismyvoice.org/), will be held June 17-19 in Austin, Texas.

    There will be workshops, campaign training, nationally recognized speakers, and great entertainment. The $55 cost includes training materials provided on a CD, a Democracy Fest T-shirt, breakfast on Saturday, and dinner and a celebration of Texas music on Saturday night.

    Over 700 people from 30 states and 3 foreign countries have already signed up, so don't wait to get your tickets. Visit: https://www.democracyfortexas.org/DemFest/index.html

    In order to enter the Latinos for America contest:
    Please submit a one page essay on what you plan to do this year to help the Latino/Hispanic community develop its own political voice to: info@latinosforamerica.com

    Please include your full name, city, state, e-mail address and telephone number. The judges will select the applicants with the most creative and innovative ideas. Special consideration will be given to applicants with a track record of commitment to the Latino/Hispanic community and Latinos for America, although previous involvement is not required to win this contest.

    LFA's Mission
    Latinos for America is a progressive and innovative non-profit organization helping Latinos from diverse communities develop their own political voice through candidate talent management, grassroots activist training and media outreach.

    During the 2004 election cycle, LFA worked alongside Democracy for America to train over 3,000 activists in campaign management - focusing on a holistic understanding, as well as practical knowledge, of field, media, messaging, data, volunteer and campaign management. Furthermore, LFA focused its efforts on the production and placement of bilingual media to support GOTV and voter education efforts, and against Proposition 200 in Arizona (“Prop 187 on steroids”).

    In 2005/06, Latinos for America is continuing to engage in activist trainings for all communities, partnering with Democracy for America and Grassroots for America in the Root Camp training model - training mentors to establish a network for self-sustaining grassroots growth.

    In addition, LFA is beginning a Talent Management Program to cultivate potential progressive Hispanic candidates through support networks, training and media. Talent Management is a strategy that focuses on different levels of development: Those candidates that have been in the pipeline and are ready to run for elected office now, those who are entering the pipeline and need some help from a talent management perspective, and the up and coming youth who make up our next generation of leaders.

    Latinos for America will continue to partner with other non-profits and political action committees to provide high-value grassroots media to bring progressive values to the forefront.

    ¡Juntos Sí Podemos! - Together We Can!

    Your LFA Team,
    Ralph, Nathan, Kety, Steven

    To make a contribution, visit: https://www.latinosforamerica.com/contributions

    Latinos for America is a 501 (c) 4 non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

    April 29, 2005 at 10:08 AM in DFA | Permalink


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