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Monday, April 11, 2005

Where Do You Shop Blue?

We three want to start a website:  "shopblue@abq"

We do realize that a lot is being done on a national level to try to steer our money towards progressive causes by shopping in stores and businesses that support progressive, not conservative and neo-conservative causes.

This is an attempt to localize this great effort and focus on us, right here in the Albuquerque area.

We plan to publicize places where we can shop and feel good about ourselves and our future.

We want to start small and grow exponentially – by listing businesses that are in tune with our politics – after talking with them about our plan, and asking if they want to be listed on our website.  We will assure them that this is not a commercial enterprise  -- it’s a political statement.

We are thinking of food stores, video outlets, book stores (new and used), hardware businesses – probably small and local as opposed to huge and corporate – restaurants, work-out facilities, home repair businesses – you name it.

So – we are looking to all of you for your reactions and constructive criticism.  Anything we should be especially looking for or looking out for???  Any specific ideas of places we might visit, call or email?  Any of you doing something similar who have learned from your own experiences?

Please let us know.

We are:

Laura Stokes    stokescorrales@comcast.net
Kathy Freise     kathy@netchannel.com
Helen Aarli       h.aarli@comcast.net

(Editor's Note: If you attended the last week's DFA-DFNM Albuquerque Meetup, you'll recall seeing Helen present this project to the group.)

April 11, 2005 at 12:40 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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