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Friday, April 08, 2005

Stop NAFTA's Evil Twin: CAFTA

From the Communication Workers of America:

Sen. Jeff Bingaman can stop an unfair trade deal that will hurt workers in New Mexico and in Central America. The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)—called NAFTA’s twin brother—debuts in Congress with a Senate Finance Committee hearing scheduled for April 13. Bingaman is on that committee—and he needs to hear from you now.

Please take one moment to send a message urging Sen. Bingaman to oppose CAFTA and instead work for a fair relationship with Central America and the Dominican Republic that does not lead to a race to the bottom. Click here:


CAFTA is just like NAFTA—a failure. NAFTA supporters promised us it would help our economy and reduce poverty and inequality in Mexico. Instead, we lost nearly a million U.S. jobs, and workers in Mexico earn less in real terms than they did before NAFTA.

CAFTA is more of the same—another flawed trade deal that will sell out America’s jobs and do nothing to pull people out of poverty in Central America and the Dominican Republic.

In fact, CAFTA is the Wal-Mart of trade deals. It gives big corporations all the breaks while good jobs, workers’ rights and decent wages are forsaken.

Trade deals like CAFTA have devastated our communities, shutting down American workplaces, exporting our jobs and leaving skilled workers unable to find jobs that can support their families. Right now, we are losing jobs because of bad trade deals in every single sector open to trade competition, from lumber and aerospace to clothing. You name it, we’ve lost it—and CAFTA will only make things worse.

Sen. Bingaman needs to hear from you that there are better ways to do trade. We need a fair relationship with Central America and the Dominican Republic that makes moral and economic sense for all workers.

Once you have contacted Bingaman, please click the following link to ask your friends, family and colleagues to contact him as well:


Thank you for making your voice heard for workers here and in Central America and the Dominican Republic.

April 8, 2005 at 01:07 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


There is a CAFTA call in day taking place this week.

Posted by: cntodd | Apr 11, 2005 2:57:56 PM

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