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    Tuesday, April 05, 2005

    Sound Off: HIP, HIP, HOORAY!

    From Mary Ellen Broderick:


    WOW what a lot of work to get the results we did for the precinct and ward elections and the state central committee slots.

    To me it was a sure test of all the progressive groups coming together, working together and getting people in.

    What we know is this:

    The county convention was totally chaotic -- but we can and will work on that to improve the next one.

    We filled possibly 12 out of the 41 Ward chair slots -- 25% now filled by progressives.

    We filled possibly 40 precinct slots.

    We filled 25 of the 119 state central committee slots -- a whopping 21%!!!!!!!!

    Now I know there are many other great local progressive people who did not get on the as yet unofficial state central committee list, including Jeanne Carritt, Andrea Sterling, Nancy Galloway (possibly), Tom Soloman and Don Schiff.  These people are now our dear friends and I would gladly give up my seat for any one of them.  Because we are all in this for the long haul, maybe the rest of our lives . . . because we all know that the country is ours too and we can take it back.

    As Rosie the Riveter says: “ WE CAN DO IT.” And “WE ARE.”


    And one more thing:

    Linda Lopez -- if you come to this site and read it -- I am one voice speaking out for myself:  I AM A BIG FAN!!!! You have really gone to the fight for us and with us. We greatly need you, your brains, your gentle political way!!

    Thanks to all . . . the work has just begun!

    See you on Thursday nite at the DFNM meetup for a bit of a celebration!

    April 5, 2005 at 10:50 AM in DFNM - Albq, Local Politics, Sound Off! | Permalink


    Congrats to all my homeys who are now part of the establishment.

    Way to go! (And save me a spot!)

    Posted by: KathyF | Apr 6, 2005 2:32:02 AM

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