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Monday, April 25, 2005

One Dem's View of the SCC Meeting in Socorro on Saturday

The Democratic Party State Central Committee meeting and related events took place this weekend in Socorro. I'll be printing a few views of what occurred. Here's one of them.

Report from Anne Kass:

John Wertheim had a rough day Saturday at the Democratic Party State Central Committee meeting in Socorro.  First the gay/lesbian group and its supporters discovered he had unilaterally removed their resolutions--which HAD been passed by the State Resolution Committee--from the packet of passed resolutions because, he explained, he thought all the others were non-controversial and could be passed quickly as a packet, where the gay/lesbian ones would spark controversy.  He didn't want to lose the whole packet.  So he put the gay civil rights resolutions on a separate unattached page that had the heading "Special Consideration." Logical, but stinky and not his call. 

So the gay/lesbian rights folks beat him up for an hour or so, before the meeting started.  Then I went after him about the living wage resolution, and by time I got to him he was frustrated and yelling about how he'd done more for the living wage than I ever had, and I was a conspiracy nut suggesting he and Richardson had got together to keep the living wage resolution buried, and how dare I question his commitment, and rant, rant, rant. 

I asked him why he tabled the resolution.  He said because Hess had objected to it.  I reminded him that Hess has merely wondered out loud whether a living wage was different than the minimum wage, and if he had listened and just answered the question, it would not have been a problem, and his action made it look like he and Hess were working together, and besides, why didn't he tell us that the tabled resolutions were history, and on and on.  Then some women started in on him because he had, unilaterally again, combined a couple of reproductive rights resolutions, which changed one of them, and so by time the meeting started, he had become rather contrite.

Early in the meeting he announced several appointments to the Central Committee and Sheryl Williams Stapleton took the microphone and challenged his authority to do that.  Then the Los Alamos County Chair, Steve Fetik made  a motion to change the agenda order so resolutions would come before the speakers (with Richardson, Denish, Bingaman, Udall, Patsy Madrid and state legislators all sitting there waiting to wax eloquent).  The motion was voted on by voice vote, and John declared that it had lost, but IF it did, it wasn't by much.

Then it came time to elect State officers, and the treasurer, secretary and vice chair went without a hitch, meaning the existing office-holders were voted back in unanimously.  Then the State Chair office came up and Ann Dunlap nominated Mel O'Reilly, who had agreed to have his name put forward, with Terry Riley seconding it.  We had speeches and a ballot vote.  Mel took 108 votes of the 294 cast, not bad given that all the speakers had gushed over John when they talked, and the challenge had come out of the blue.

When the resolution agenda item finally came to the floor, John announced that he had made a mistake by separating the gay/lesbian resolutions, and they were again part of the packet (even though in physical reality they were not, and so most people didn't even have a copy of them). Then there was a motion to adopt the whole packet of resolutions, a second, and then a woman got to the microphone about the reproductive rights thing, and John said, would the committee as a whole object if the separate reproductive rights resolution were added, and the crowd agreed it was o.k. and then Terry jumped up and said what about the living wage resolution, and John asked the crowd if it was o.k. to add that too, and the crowd agreed, and, as Molly Ivins says they say in Texas:  Viola!

Interestingly, every one of the speakers mentioned how half or more of the members of the Central Committee were new, and wasn't it wonderful that people had become involved, and welcome, and so on, but Richardson revealed how antsy all these new faces made him.  When he started his talk, he said, "There are a lot of new faces here.  In fact, who are you?"  and then he said, "I like new energy, and it's great that someone suggested that you want to talk about resolutions first and Richardson and Bingaman can just wait and listen to us."  I think the "leadership" are a little unsettled about the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.

If any of the so-called "leaders" who attended the meeting to give their speeches were really top notch, (Tom Udall actually comes close) she or he would have said, in response to Steve Fetik's motion that resolutions be discussed before speeches were given that it was a fine plan, and that the "leaders"--who always claim they want to hear from their constituents [but only by way of them responding to questionnaires created and sent out by the "leaders" which are designed to prevent dialog or, heaven forbid, actual face-to-face exchanges]--that the  leaders would love to participate in the discussion of resolutions.  But NOOOO.  They want to go first, talk, and get the heck out of there.  Listening?  What's that?

I also think, the next time Richardson starts to pontificate about how Democrats need to reconnect with American values, that the best way to do that is to engage in lively discussions about ideas (resolutions) so we can get beyond the labels and jargon of family values, whatever the heck that might mean, and start to actually develop operative meanings for the words that get thrown about.  Resolutions are how we articulate and understand the core principles and values, but it often seems to me that "leaders" just want to talk in sound-bites, talking points, buzz-words or what ever label you prefer to give to the empty language they all seem so skilled at using.

So, that's what you missed if you weren't there. It was a good event. 

Anne Kass

April 25, 2005 at 10:56 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


Anne: Once again, you articulated many of our feelings about the meeting in Socorro. I too believe that the best part of all of it was that they noticed that we were there. Mel O'Reilly certainly did a great job and there were votes for him from all over the state.

The Living Wage issue coming from the floor was a great move. I think they did not want it because of the mayors race in ABQ.

When John Wertheim came to our progressive caucus break out I thought how nice. However when he started with how when he ran for congress and talkin about himself, I was fit to be tied. He started taking up our precious time with his rhetoric. He forgot to mention that he would listen to us and welcome us into the party.
Anywa, the Progressive caucus group decided to move forward with it's formation and it would be great for all democrats to join us.

What a great day!!!

Posted by: Charlotte | Apr 25, 2005 3:10:29 PM

Random thoughts- The highlight of the meeting for me was the organizing of the Progressive Caucus. We need to keep not only Wetrheim's feet to the fire but also Richardson, Bingaman et al. there was a lot of fire for it but it isn't clear to me yet who will take the lead. Charlotte? Will this website be a clearing house for it? this is a big state! nb I don't believe Socorro was represented at the meeting. They are very active and should be.

Posted by: Jeanne Carritt | Apr 25, 2005 3:37:03 PM

As we move forward I hope that leadership will evolve. The steering committee will meet and it is hoped that there will be temporary leadership until we actually hold elections of our mmbership with our own rules or by laws for that process. For me, I love to bring people togther and do the organizing and I will help by moving that along, but I hope that others will come to the forefront. Thw DFA NM web page is the best site there is in NM. It is however mostly ABQ based and it belongs to DFA. I hope that DFA ABQ will help us and take a lead with the development of the organization of a progressive caucus and still maintain it's independence and continue the work that it is already doing in the community. Actually DFA is linked to the Progressive Democrats of America as a chapter.

Posted by: Charlotte | Apr 25, 2005 4:08:29 PM

I spoke with Mary Mc Millan from Socorro on Friday night and although she could not be there is is in full support and hopes to help out with the creation of a Progressive Caucus.

Posted by: Charlotte | Apr 25, 2005 4:10:18 PM

Good summary Anne Kass....I would just add a few pointed thoughts of my own:

1. I am tired of our public servants talking on and on and patting themselves on their backs. Hey wake up we are a RED state now!

Tom Udall spoke truth about our Democratic values more than any of the others. Most of the hot topics were ignored by the speakers.

2. As a constituent of these people I would appreciate them staying through the whole meeting....not leaving after their speech. I find that quite rude. No wonder they are so out of touch with us.

What I witnessed at this meeting is a major disconnect between the Democrats in the audience seats and the elected Dems in the special seating, roped off from us. That is BS. They are not the elite...they are our NM elected officials. We pay them. They should be sitting with us. That kind of bugged me.

3. Frankly, in my opinion, if Patsy Madrid runs for Heather's seat we will lose again. I do not see how anyone could listen to her speech and come away with a positive review. The roar of support astounded me when it was mentioned she would run for Heather's seat.

Ok, it is great she is taking on the Otero Mesa and the Valle Vidal. But in my heart the day the Sandoval County Clerk was marrying the dreaded gays....Patsy could not run there fast enough to stop it. In my mind I just remember a kind of hysterical Patsy as AG running to stop this "danger" to marriage. Oh, the Clerk of Sandoval County had gone mad issuing licenses roughshod over the state! Sorry Patsy. From that point forward you would never ever get this person's vote. To stop my friends from getting married in the line and with such vengenance. Madrid has not a clue of the hearts she hurt of committed people that day. Nor does she care, I believe.

4. Oh yea let's remember the invocation. This topped the Bernalillo County invocation, which is saying something. "Our heavenly father!" That guy was reading from the scripture up there. Mike Schneider would have exploded with this one. That was really hard to hear. And with a resolution within the packet stating separation of church and state. Go figure?

So it goes for my memories of the Saturday meeting....GOSH we have ALOT of work to do.

Posted by: mary ellen | Apr 25, 2005 5:19:10 PM

This website is mostly Albuquerque-based because few people send me anything from other parts of the state. If you're out there, please feel free to do so! Democracy for New Mexico is actually a listed supporter of PDA, not really a chapter so to speak. We certainly intend to remain independent and continue our work.

What I am most concerned about in terms of a caucus is the fear we'll be reinventing the wheel. To me that would be a grave mistake and would be a waste of time that could better be spent focusing on activism or fundraising.

I'm still not clear what a caucus would actually entail and what it is meant to accomplish. My feeling is that it would best focus on a narrow set of goals, like forming a PAC to support progressive candidates, holding fundraisers periodically and perhaps issuing position papers to the media and backing certain kinds of local legislation. However, taking over the duties of ward and precinct chairs or adding another organizational layer to what we are already doing could harm our cause more than help it in some ways. It gets to be more about the details or the organization than about doing things, if you know what I mean.

I think we need to be clear about what we are seeking and why before we create a whole other organization with all the bells and whistles. I heard a number of concerns expressed by our members about taking on too wide a range of projects and/or overstepping our bounds within the Party. What do people think about this?

Posted by: barb | Apr 25, 2005 5:45:31 PM

PS This website is owned by US, not Democracy for America or Democracy for New Mexico. It's designed to be a clearinghouse for all in the state and to help communication in any way possible. Just to clear that up!

Posted by: barb | Apr 25, 2005 5:48:23 PM

Got it. The Progressive Caucus that we look toward organizing hopefully will be made up of organizational memberships across the state as well as individuals. The commonality at this point is that these are people who ran in their precincts, wards and for state central committee.
The numbers of SCC within the party structure statewide are over 75 people.

Your group and many others not in your group can add to that voice and get more people to run in next cycle. We just all need to cooperate with each other.

Posted by: Charlotte | Apr 25, 2005 6:38:55 PM


Posted by: barb | Apr 25, 2005 7:25:06 PM

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