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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Join the Global Day of Action on CAFTA Tomorrow

From Progressive Democrats of America:

Take Action to Stop CAFTA! April 13th is National Call in Day to tell Congress: No New NAFTAs, No to CAFTA.

Bush is pushing for a CAFTA vote. Congressional hearings are happening now! Be part of the Global Week of Action on Trade.

The proposed Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) - which includes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic - is an attempt to expand the failed NAFTA model. If it passes, we can expect more job losses, more destruction of rural communities, more threats to our environment, and more attacks by corporations on our democracy.

Click to take action.


Editor's Note: You can read more about CAFTA and actions we can take to stop it here and here.

The Senate Finance Committee is set to take action on the CAFTA bill tomorrow. Senator Jeff Bingaman is a member of this committee, so at the very least we should call his office TODAY and urge him to vote against it. Given his recent votes for the horribly unfair bankruptcy bill and the bill limiting class action lawsuits, there's no guarantee that Senator Bingaman will do the right thing unless we contact him in large numbers.

April 12, 2005 at 11:23 AM in Events | Permalink


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