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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Governor Richardson to Make BIG Announcement on Otero Mesa This Friday

Hot_2 Be a part of New Mexico History when Governor Bill Richardson and Attorney General Patricia Madrid make an Important Announcement on Otero Mesa on Earth Day!

Over the past four years a lot of hard work has been done and a lot progress has been made for protecting New Mexico’s Otero Mesa. Your support and efforts have made a difference! NOW—the State of New Mexico, using all of its power, will stand up for your voice and tell the Federal Government NO to drilling in Otero Mesa!

Show your support for Otero Mesa. Join us in making New Mexico History!

Who: Governor Richardson, Attorney General Madrid, and YOU!!!

What: Monumental Moment in New Mexico and Otero Mesa History!!!

When: Friday, April 22nd, 2005—11:00 am (Get There @ 10:30 if possible)

Where: UNM Campus—East of the Duck Pond

For more info. contact Nathan Newcomer at 505-843-8696 or nathan@nmwild.org

April 19, 2005 at 02:54 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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