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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

GOP Endorses Chavez for Mayor

That's what James Scarantino is saying over on his Real Side blog.

What do you think?

April 27, 2005 at 10:57 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


I think I'm not going to vote for him! (not like I was going to anyway...)

Posted by: Samir | Apr 27, 2005 12:04:41 PM

Let's hope there are many with that same intent!

Posted by: barb | Apr 27, 2005 12:37:06 PM

I would really like to see Alan Armijo run for mayor. After watching the short exchange between the two on gov-tv where Alan schooled him about city council and another counselor challanged Marty about his decision to unilaterally eliminate the JPA for the Metropolitan Detention Center was too funny. Chavez' obsequious responses to the County Counselors was quite entertaining. Luckily for the Mayor, he had a pressing phone call that took him away from the meeting thus making him unavailable to respond to the folks preparing to skewer him! Dang those pesky "emergency" phone calls; too bad because it looked like he was get reamed before the phone call took him away!

It's gotta be tough to play yourself off as the only person who cares about the city's well-being on the local news and then have to face the other elected officials who also have a stake in it after you have implied they don't care as much as you do! Oh well, thats what a self serving politician is supposed to do right? Marty seems more involved with promoting Marty. My new nick-name for him is "Hit and run Marty." This man exploits the local media with his "press conferences" but still does not announce his candidacy? Brilliant move! Use the tax payers' money to shamelessly self promote his run for mayor. C'mon Marty tell us already!

Today (4/28/05), Marty was again on Gov-TV introducing the additional DWI unit. He also happened to mention something about getting "Weapons of Mass Destruction" off the streets of Albuquerque. It was astrange thing to say - He also said something to link the WMD to Albuquerque's youth - I think (did anyone else see this?). Do we have adolescent or pre-pubesceent Al Quaeda cells operating in the greater Albuquerque area?

One thing is for certain with Marty; theres always a cause for his effect. This additional DWI unit deserves commendation but its timing begs exploration. Mayor Chavez stands next to Nadine Milford (the DWI inspirational activist who has done so much to address the drunk driving problem in New Mexico). She swoons over him and he gets giddy over her praises. After that, Marty casually mentions his "commitment" to APD by promising to increase the police force. Hello? he's sucking up to APD and preying on people's fear in an election year! I suppose he learned his lesson from his first mayoral term when he tried to scew APD out of their raise! Then he tried the ploy on the Firefighters - that didn't go so well either so he ended up sticking it to the trash-truck drivers (he figured they were an easy target since its bad politics to disregard APD and AFD employees' hero status when you are trying to cut their wages. Now the lowly refuse-worker well thats fair game!) Well, as it turned out, those people had families along with many other city employees who were unceremoniously dismissed regarding "hero appeal" and collective bargaining status. They remembered it and came back to haunt Hit and Run Marty when he made his bid for Governor - he lost that one andthat explains how Albuquerque has got him back as mayor . . . again.

If he has Greg Payne's support then I definitely know that I am not voting for Marty Chavez. I made that mistake twice before.

Posted by: AbqAvgJoe | Apr 28, 2005 10:55:02 AM

Marty Chavez endorsed Howard Dean. And, he kinda looks like him. He can't be all that bad.

Posted by: Deanics Say Whaa?? | Apr 29, 2005 1:37:58 PM

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