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    Friday, April 22, 2005

    Effort to Get Living Wage Resolution to the SCC

    From Anne Kass:

    I received the email below from Mel O'Reilly who chaired the March 31, 2005 meeting of the Bernalillo County Democratic Party Resolutions Committee (and did a respectful, democratic job of it, let me say) at which the Committee unanimously adopted a living wage resolution:

    Whereas the Democratic Party is, and has always been, the party or ordinary working men and women, in recognition of this fundamental relationship, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF BERNALILLO COUNTY that the DPNM is committed to the establishment and enforcement of a living wage for all New Mexico workers.

    On April 2, 2005, the Bernalillo County Central Committee enthusiastically adopted this resolution without objection.

    However, on April 9, 2005, when the State Central Committee Resolutions Committee met, chaired by John Wertheim, the Living Wage Resolution, and a number of other Resolutions about which there were questions or concerns, were, set aside momentarily to allow the Committee to quickly adopt the Resolutions from all the Counties about which there were no questions, with the promise/commitment (lie?) that the set aside Resolutions would be discussed fully later in the day.  That discussion never occurred, and it now appears that the resolutions that Chairman Wertheim "set aside momentarily" were intended by him to be set aside permanently.

    It is my suspicion that the Democratic leadership does not want a living wage resolution as part of the party platform, having observed the business community raise more than a quarter million dollars to try to defeat the Santa Fe City Council Persons who dared to enact the living wage ordinance.  If that suspicion is accurate, then the least that Democratic leadership could do is demonstrate integrity and articulate it clearly rather than engage in this manipulation of rules to bury the resolution. 

    I think that the rank and file have a right to know whether our current Democratic leadership side with business over workers on this issue.  I also think that the rank and file strongly supports a living wage platform plank.  My expectation is supported by the fact that in states and local communities where living wage and minimum wage increases were put to the voters in the 2004 election, the resolutions won, handily,   I have a sense, actually, that the rank and file would be stunned to learn that maybe, just maybe leadership's support for decent wages might be more rhetoric than reality.

    The way this process has been managed by Mr. Wertheim seems to me to be authoritarian, condescending, patronizing and, well, undemocratic.  I don't know if it is possible to activate a 2/3rds vote at the State Central Committee in Socorro on Saturday, but I think we should try, and failing that, I think we should broadcast to the rank and file that the New Mexico Democratic Party seemingly doesn't really give a hoot that fully one third of New Mexico workers are not currently paid a living wage.

    Anne Kass
    (Note: Click to the continuation page for Mel O'Reilly's email to Anne Kass.)

    Mel O'Reilly's email to Anne Kass:

    John Wertheim is asking me to chair the Resolution portion of the State meeting on Saturday. his staff person said John wants to avoid discussion of the resolutions and to get a report of the last Sat. meeting adopted. The method of doing this is to submit an agenda which would limit discussion to the report. If  the agenda so states and is adopted it would require a 2/3 rds vote to suspend the agenda and discuss other issues or resolutions. I haven't seen the resolution package and therefore haven't accepted. Time is limited on Saturday,and to avoid consuming time the DPNM leaders need no floor resolutions or debate on resolutions.  I'm giving you a heads up as it is important to me to get resolutions adopted and to preserve the right of the rank and file to express themselves. If you or your friends wish to introduce resolutions or debate them please be aware of how the Robert's Rules may limit debate by agenda adoption. You will need a strong parliamentary procedure person, to advise you.

    April 22, 2005 at 11:27 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink


    Good for you Anne. I had heard that they were saying it was a local issue. Living Wage is a statewide and national issue. When we passed it in Santa Fe Co as a resolution, believe me, we had some Democrats against it after it passed. We ended up in court and we had the Democratic Party of Santa Fe Co as a witness. They were not paying attention when it happened. If you get it on the floor tomorrow, we certainly in Santa Fe Co. will support you on the resolution.

    Posted by: Charlotte | Apr 22, 2005 2:42:23 PM

    Good for you Anne. I heard they were saying it was a local issue. Well, Living Wage is a statewide and national concern. I agree they they do not want it in ABQ because of the Mayor's race.
    I am in Santa Fe where we fought hard for our living wage ordinance and it can get messy. Believe me we did not have all Democrats supporting it for the same reason. With our Santa Fe County resolution of the Dem Party, it passed because no one was paying attention.
    If you are able to bring it up on the floor tomorrow, we will support you in Bernaillo Co.

    Posted by: Charlotte | Apr 22, 2005 2:42:56 PM

    Update: The living wage resolution was added back into the packet on the floor of the State Central Committee meeting and passed along with the rest of the resolutions in the packet created by Wertheim.

    Posted by: barb | Apr 25, 2005 5:49:46 PM

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