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Monday, April 11, 2005

Exciting Announcement on Otero Mesa Set for Earth Day!

Eday5 From the NM Wilderness Alliance:

Dear Otero Mesa Supporters:

A very special event is slated to take place for Otero Mesa on Earth Day, Friday, April 22nd, 2005. This event will be held at 11:00 AM at the University of New Mexico campus in Albuquerque.

Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM) will be on hand to make a very important announcement on Otero Mesa. For more information, please contact Nathan Newcomer at nathan@nmwild.org, or 505-843-8696. This event will be of monumental proportion.

REMINDER: The Otero Mesa Outing is this weekend, April 16 through April 17.

For directions or questions, please contact Nathan Newcomer at nathan@nmwild.org, or 505-843-8696

April 11, 2005 at 05:29 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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