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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Bolton Appointment in Trouble?


(Cartoon courtesy of Center for American Progress. Click to enlarge.)

Senate Shocker!

In a surprise turn of events on earlier this week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee decided to postpone the scheduled vote on the nomination of John Bolton to allow for further review of new allegations which "cast doubt on Mr. Bolton's temperament and credibility." Many questions still surround Bolton's qualifications to become ambassador to the United Nations.

As Sen. John Kerry charged, ending debate on the nomination with so many outstanding allegations would be akin to "voting in the blind." Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN), however, still attempted to shut down any further investigation into the new charges in order to "muscle a vote through." At the last minute, however, Sen. George V. Voinovich (R-OH), who had remained quiet during the hearing, stepped forward and said he too wanted more time to look into allegations, saying: "I've heard enough today that I don't feel comfortable about voting for Mr. Bolton." (As Sen. Lincoln Chaffee (R-RI) told reporters after the session: "I don't know if I've ever seen, in a setting like this, a senator changing his mind as a result of what other senators said. The process worked. It's kind of refreshing.")

As a result, the Bolton nomination will not be considered again until the week of May 9, allowing senators from both parties to examine Bolton's record of bullying and intimidation.

(Add your voice: write or call your senators today and tell them to vote against John Bolton because we need a diplomat with real credibility at the U.N. Congress.org makes it easy.)

April 21, 2005 at 02:21 PM in Visuals | Permalink


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