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Monday, April 11, 2005

An Excellent Framing Resource: DemSpeak

DemSpeak is an open source initiative where Citizen Framers gather to discuss  domestic and foreign policy with the goal of framing or re-framing (re-claiming) the Progressive Message.

Our site is rich with training links, action links, links to framing resources, progressive  resources and a growing blog roll.  Not to mention a lively conversation as members and visitors work together to shape issue briefs like the one on Social Security you'll find at: https://www.deanport.com/dem/?q=node/299

At DemSpeak we don't acknowledge the toxic Blue state/Red state dichotomy. We're citizens working to change the language of politics so we can converse with the whole American family about what unites us rather than what divides us.

Progressive or conservative, religious or not, rich, poor, old or young Americans are in danger from an administration that treats the Constitution as if it were a first draft and the community of nations we helped to form and nurture as though it were a horde of barbarians at the gate.

Our future lies with our nation's children – yet so many are in desperate need of health care, education, decent housing. Spiritually, they are growing up in a climate that could result in their parents being afraid to raise them in the religion that expresses their deepest understanding of spirituality and the Divine.

At DemSpeak we're determined Progressives fighting for the future of the Republic.

Stop by, join in, use what you need.


Nancy Virginia Varian
Daily Site Editor

(Editor's Note: We were pleased to welcome Nancy to our DFA-DFNM Meetup last week as a new member. The site is definitely a useful resource for improving our framing and communications skills!)

April 11, 2005 at 08:48 AM in Current Affairs, Democratic Party | Permalink


WOW, what an excellent tool! Thanks.

Posted by: Steve | Apr 11, 2005 7:27:57 PM


Thanks so much!

We're still under construction and growing like crazy.

Check out Richard Hoefer's post on DailyKos for what the future holds for DemSpeak. I think you'll be amazed!

Find the post here: https://tinyurl.com/6p7cd

Meantime, I hope you'll come on by often and post.


Editor Nance

Posted by: Nancy Virginia Varian | Apr 12, 2005 12:46:29 AM

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