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Friday, April 08, 2005

Amy Goodman in NM on Un-Embed the Media Tour

Amy_albqAmy Goodman, internationally acclaimed journalist and host of the nationally broadcast daily radio/TV news hour Democracy Now!, brings the Un-Embed the Media! tour to New Mexico on Saturday, April 16th, and Sunday, April 17th.

Saturday, April 16
UNM Student Union Ballroom

Free and open to the public. For more information, call 505-277-4806

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Amy Goodman in Conversation with Jose Ramos Horta
St. Johns College Gym
1160 Camino Cruz Blanca
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Tickets are $15.00 and are available at the Lensic box office, 505-988-1234. For more information, contact rdw2100@aol.com

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Sunday, April 17
Bataan Hall
Civic Plaza Drive
9 AM

$5; tickets go on sale at 8 AM. For more information, call 776-8486 or go to https://www.acttaos.com/

Join us as we launch the paperback edition of Amy and David Goodman's national best-seller, The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them.

April 8, 2005 at 04:14 PM in Events | Permalink


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